Around Caerlaverock, Nov 10th

The site feels rather quiet now that BBC Autumnwatch has gone and things are settling back into the usual routines. A good number of duck, principally Teal and Wigeon, are broadcast across the fields, enjoying the many temporary wet flashes resulting from the 50mm of rain we've "enjoyed" over the last two days. The Green-winged Teal though remains loyal to its favoured spot on the Folly Pond. Barnacle Geese nos. remain good though accurate counts have proved impossible in the rough conditions. A Kingfisher continues to delight from the Back Pond Hide, with Water Rail often heard and occasionally seen in that locality

Around the reserve today:

Barnacle Geese: 5000

Whooper Swans: 42+

Whooper Pond
Whooper Swan 42
Mute Swan 25
Pochard 1♂
Greater Scaup 1♀
Mallard 90
Tufted Duck 30
Wigeon 56
Gadwall 4
Little Grebe 1 juv

Folly Pond
Green-winged Teal 1♂
Teal 100
Wigeon 200
Mallard 20
Shoveler 12
Lapwing 40
Black-tailed Godwit 20

Avenue Tower
Flood Ground:
Teal 110
Wigeon 70
Shoveler 2
Greylag Goose 6
Grey Heron 1
Little Egret 1
Lapwing 70
Starling 100
Roe Deer 4

Saltcot Merse Observatory
Hen Harrier 1♂ seen here yesterday
Peregrine 1
Merlin 1
Kestrel 1
Barnacle Geese
Teal 1000
Wigeon 400
Pintail 100

Peter Scott Trail
Water Rail 1

Back Pond Hide
Kingfisher 1

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)

Reed Bunting
Song Thrush
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Lesser Redpoll
Great-spotted Woodpecker

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