Latest sightings

Reserve Update Wednesday 22nd February

Reserve Update Wednesday 22nd February

Bit of a blustery start to this morning.  Good numbers of Redshank, Lapwing and Black-tailed Godwit feeding (and sleeping!) around the edges of the Folly Pond.  No sign of either of the drake Green-winged Teal so far.  If visiting, you may notice that

22 February 2017

Latest Sightings - 18th February

Latest Sightings - 18th February

It's a bit of a wet start to the day, but mild. Quite often when the temperature rises in winter we see rain. It's just a light drizzle at the moment and will hopefully ease off later in the day. Plenty of Whooper Swans on the reserve this morning and a

18 February 2017

Latest Sightings - 28th January - Mist and drizzle

Latest Sightings - 28th January - Mist and drizzle

What a difference a day makes. From freezing temperatures and sunshine yesterday to mild, misty and drizzly this morning. One drake Green-winged Teal is on the Folly Pond, we are not sure if the other one from yesterday is still here or not as we can't se

28 January 2017

Latest Sightings - 27th January - Sun and Ice

Latest Sightings - 27th January - Sun and Ice

A sunny but cold morning on the reserve and the swans are having to play at ice breakers this morning as most of the ponds are frozen solid. A drake Green-winged Teal is on the Flood Ground at the moment, no sign of one on the Folly Pond so it is probabl

27 January 2017

Reserve Update Wednesday 25th January

Reserve Update Wednesday 25th January

The sunny morning is really lighting up the large flocks of Golden Plover, Lapwing, Wigeon and Teal down on the Flood Ground today.  It is also making it far easier to pick out the American Wigeon in the mob than has been the case the past two days.  Sm

25 January 2017

Latest Sightings - 21st January - slight frost & lots of birds!

Latest Sightings - 21st January - slight frost & lots of birds!

It's a stunning morning on the reserve! A light frost has kept more swans here with 205 Whooper Swans on the Whooper Pond right now. The bright sunshine makes it hard to count the Folly Pond until later in the morning, but we can make out plenty of ducks

21 January 2017

Latest Sightings - 20th January

Latest Sightings - 20th January

A bit of mist around today, but the ponds are all visible. The drake Green-winged Teal is on the Folly Pond as usual, and we are just trying to locate the drake American Wigeon but he is probably on the Flood Ground. Todays high tide is at 05:30, 7.7m Ar

20 January 2017

Latest Sightings - 14th January - American Wigeon still here!

Latest Sightings - 14th January - American Wigeon still here!

Another frosty morning, but the sun is out and the ice is melting. The drake American Wigeon is asleep on the Flood Ground at the moment, visible from the Avenue Tower. Todays high tide is at 13:30, 9.8m Around the reserve today: Barnacle Geese: 7000 Wh

14 January 2017

Latest Sightings - 13th January

Latest Sightings - 13th January

After a cold night, the sun is out and the reserve looks great. Plenty of birds on the Whooper Pond, but the sun is just in the wrong place for counting the Folly Pond. The Green-winged Teal and American Wigeon could be out there but we can't see them at

13 January 2017

Tuesday Jan 10th

Tuesday Jan 10th

Turning a bit blustery now. We've just located the American Wigeon in a flock of Eurasians, down near the Avenue Tower. This bird is proving to be a bit more of a challenge than the Green-winged Teal (on Folly Pond as per usual), given its propensity for

10 January 2017

Quick update, Sunday Jan 8th

Quick update, Sunday Jan 8th

Again poor visibility due to mist early on, but plenty of geese (mostly Barnacles but with a few Pinkfeet dotted in) as it clears. The Black-tailed Godwits remain on Folly Pond, as does the Green-winged Teal, but yet to locate the American Wigeon among it

8 January 2017

Reserve Update Thursday 5th January

Reserve Update Thursday 5th January

Brrrr.....bright, cold, frosty morning here first thing, wrap up warm if visiting!  The American Wigeon was recorded back on the Folly Pond yesterday afternoon but as the pool is iced over this morning there is no sign of it yet.  A good number of Whoop

5 January 2017

Late update, Monday Jan 2nd

Late update, Monday Jan 2nd

Another bright cold day, plenty of Whoopers (153) at the feeds, Water Rail under the feeders on The Peter Scott Trail with a handful of Tree Sparrows, Green-winged Teal on the Folly Pond (no sign yet of American Wigeon), male Hen Harrier quartering the me

2 January 2017

Reserve Update Saturday 31st December - Drake Mandarin Duck??

Reserve Update Saturday 31st December - Drake Mandarin Duck??

It was a double take moment at the 11am Swan feed this morning, with the presence of a lovely drake Mandarin Duck joining the regulars on the Whooper Pond.  The American Wigeon has migrated back to the Folly Pond to join the Green-winged Teal.  Those vi

31 December 2016

Reserve Update Friday 30th December - American Wigeon is back (again)

Reserve Update Friday 30th December - American Wigeon is back (again)

Yes, the American Wigeon has once again re-appeared...mixed in with the Eurasian Wigeon flock feeding on the Lochar field as seen from Avenue Tower.  They are joined by some of the Barnacle Geese, large numbers of Teal, Pintail, Golden Plover, Lapwing, S

30 December 2016