Latest sightings

Latest Sightings - 29th September

Latest Sightings - 29th September

Very windy on the reserve, but visibility is much improved on yesterday. Unfortunately we have had to close the Coffee Shop today to allow the new kitchen to be fitted. It will also be closed tomorrow (Friday) but open as normal on Saturday. We apologise

29 September 2016

Reserve Update Wednesday 28th September

Reserve Update Wednesday 28th September

Blustery, breezy day again today.  A solitary osprey was observed flying across the merse first thing this morning.  The female sparrowhawk was once again lurking around the Folly Pond, making the ducks and waders slightly nervous.  Good numbers of sho

28 September 2016

Quick update Tuesday Sept 27th

Quick update Tuesday Sept 27th

A rather dreich day so far with relatively poor visibility; should clear a bit later. No additions to the 36 Barnacles yet, making this one of the later arrival years; likewise Whoopers are yet to show but could be any time soon. Folly Pond still producin

27 September 2016

Latest Sightings - Sat 24th September - Great Egret still here

Latest Sightings - Sat 24th September - Great Egret still here

The Great Egret has popped in on the Folly Pond this morning before heading back out onto the merse. The Folly is definitely the place to be, with great numbers of duck and waders out there! Today's high tide 19:21, 7.8m Around the reserve today: Whooper

24 September 2016

Latest Sightings - 23rd September - a 3 Peregrine day

Latest Sightings - 23rd September - a 3 Peregrine day

The 36 Barnacle Geese are still out on the merse in their usual spot this morning and they haven't been joined by any more just yet. 3 Peregrines are around the site today, two are at separate ends of the merse and one is on a fenceline in the Lochar Fi

23 September 2016

Reserve Update Thursday 22nd September

Reserve Update Thursday 22nd September

The Barnacle Geese are still out on the Merse this morning, together with smaller numbers of Pink footed Geese compared to yesterday (and large numbers of Canada Geese!)  The Great Egret is also to be found out on the Merse and is best viewed from the Fa

22 September 2016

Latest Sightings - 21st September - Pink-feet and a Fox

Latest Sightings - 21st September - Pink-feet and a Fox

240 Pink-footed Geese are feeding in the Corner Field this morning, including two leucistic (pale) individuals. Great views from upstairs in the Peter Scott Observatory. 36 Barnacle Geese are still out on the merse, a Fox running around them. Today's hig

21 September 2016

Latest Sightings - 20th September - Barnies and Egret still

Latest Sightings - 20th September - Barnies and Egret still

33 Barnacle Geese are on the merse this morning, visible at a distance from the Farmhouse Tower and Saltcot Merse Observatory. The Great Egret is also out on the merse. 8 Pintail are currently on the Folly Pond, the males still in eclipse plumage, they bl

20 September 2016

Late update, Sunday 18th Sept

Late update, Sunday 18th Sept

No further change in the Barnacle Goose situation, with approx. 30 still on the same section of merse as reported by Joe yesterday. Great Egret still out on the merse too. C50 Dunlin on Folly Pond at high tide along with the usuals Today's high tide 13:24

18 September 2016

Latest Sightings - Saturday 17th September - First Barnacle Geese arrive!

Latest Sightings - Saturday 17th September - First Barnacle Geese arrive!

It looks like we have our first BARNACLE GEESE of the season, 29 are currently feeding and washing out on the merse. They can be viewed from the Farmhouse Tower and the Saltcot Merse Observatory. Today's high tide 13:24, 9.7m Around the reserve today: Wh

17 September 2016

Thursday September 15th

Thursday September 15th

Once more the Folly Pond holds most of the interest, with a good flock of Black-tailed Godwits (C100), 3 Ruff and a Greenshank, along with ever more Shoveler (22) and lots of Teal. Great White Egret and Goshawk again yesterday Today's high tide 12:03, 8.8

15 September 2016

Quick update, Tuesday September 13th

Quick update, Tuesday September 13th

Reserve looks largely as yesterday; most activity is focussed on The Folly Pond again, where 178 Black-tailed Godwits and a Greenshank number among the 2200 Teal. The Great Egret is still present, having moved as usual from Folly Pond out to Saltcot Merse

13 September 2016

Monday September 12th update

Monday September 12th update

Plenty to look out for again today, especially on the Folly Pond and in The Corner Field/Prince Philip's Field where there was a total of 3000 Teal yesterday and still similar nos. today, along with 172 Black-tailed Godwits and the odd Ruff and Greensha

12 September 2016

Latest Sightings - Saturday 10th Sept - Whooper Swan, Great Egret, Marsh Harrier!

Latest Sightings - Saturday 10th Sept - Whooper Swan, Great Egret, Marsh Harrier!

A fantastic morning on the reserve after last night's wind and rain. Over 2000 Teal have now arrived, with 1100 on the Folly Pond and a further 1000 in Prince Phillip's Field. Amongst them are 11 Wigeon, 3 Pintail and 14 Shoveler. Also around the site ar

10 September 2016

Reserve Sightings 09/09/2016

Reserve Sightings 09/09/2016

  A windy start to the day with a couple of heavy showers. Plenty of birds sheltering on the Folly Pond, with over 100 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Ruff and a single Greenshank. A few more Wigeon have arrived with 11 birds in total, as well as 400+ Teal an

9 September 2016