Latest sightings

Reserve Update Thursday 8th September

Reserve Update Thursday 8th September

Well, a blustery and wet start to the morning.  Over a hundred lapwing are on Folly Pond, joined by the usual suspects of Teal, Shoveler and Snipe.  The Great Egret made a brief appearance there yesterday afternoon.  A handful of Black-tailed Godwit we

8 September 2016

Reserve Update Wednesday 7th September

Reserve Update Wednesday 7th September

The Black-tailed Godwits have now moved on from the Folly Pond.  However, there are good numbers of Lapwing in compensation, along with a Greenshank, Teal, Snipe and Shoveler. Down at Avenue Tower, the Willow Warbler are still around and are joined by Go

7 September 2016

Latest Sightings - Monday 5th September

Latest Sightings - Monday 5th September

Migration is definitely underway with Swallows lining up along the wires. Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers are all along the Avenue, and two Whinchat are in the cover crop at the Avenue Tower along with a Wheatear. Whinchat

5 September 2016

Reserve Update Saturday 3rd September

Reserve Update Saturday 3rd September

The Swallow chicks are now flying although they are making regular pitstops back into the Teal Pond Hide.  Two Sparrowhawks were seen along the Avenues, one of which was lurking in the hedgerow next to the Paddock in the hopes of an easy meal. The Folly

3 September 2016

Latest Sightings - Friday 2nd September

Latest Sightings - Friday 2nd September

The Swallows have almost fledged 3 chicks in the Teal Pond Hide. This is the second brood to be fledged from the nest. Today's high tide 13:51   9.2m Around the reserve today: Whooper Pond Mute swan 2 + 7 large cygnets Canada Geese 6 Mallard 140

2 September 2016

Thursday 1st September update

Thursday 1st September update

The Great Egret and Marsh Harriers were around yesterday. No sign of them yet this morning, but it's definitely worth a look! Great Egret flying over the Folly Pond. Photo taken by Alex Hillier   As of today, Su

1 September 2016

Reserve Update Wednesday 31st August

Reserve Update Wednesday 31st August

Great White Egret has moved up to Folly Pond this morning.  It is joined by 118 Black-Tailed Godwits, 600 Teal, 33 Snipe, 24 Curlew, 3 Wigeon and 2 Pintail.  The Peregrine Falcon and juvenile Marsh Harrier have both been observed down on the merse at Sa

31 August 2016

Tuesday update, August 30th

Tuesday update, August 30th

Reserve looking pretty much as yesterday, but without the sunshine; dry though. 82 Black-tailed Godwits in a variety of plumages are currently on Folly Pond, along with a single Ruff. Once again the Great White Egret is on the merse from Saltcot Merse O

30 August 2016

Update, Monday Aug 29th

Update, Monday Aug 29th

Superb late summer weather again today. Great White Egret on the merse from Saltcot Merse Observatory, where four Ospreys could also be seen yesterday. Peregrine and Merlin are putting in appearances there too. Folly Pond is the best spot otherwise, with

29 August 2016

Saturday 27th August - Two Marsh Harriers yesterday

Saturday 27th August - Two Marsh Harriers yesterday

Another lovely sunny morning on the reserve. The two Marsh Harriers were seen together yesterday, both hunting over the Flood Ground and fields around the Avenue Tower. Today's high tide 08:19     7.9m Around the reserve today: Insects Blue-tailed

27 August 2016

Friday 26th August - Marsh Harrier and Tawny Owl

Friday 26th August - Marsh Harrier and Tawny Owl

The young male Marsh Harrier was around again yesterday, flying over the Flood Ground and around the Avenue Tower. Tawny Owl was in the Farmhouse Garden again last night. Today's high tide 19:40     7.9m Around the reserve today: Insects Blue-taile

26 August 2016

Thursday 25th August - Osprey, Peregrine, Raven, Tawny Owl & a lot of wildfowl!

Thursday 25th August - Osprey, Peregrine, Raven, Tawny Owl & a lot of wildfowl!

An absolutely cracking morning to be on the reserve. Folly Pond is full of birds with Teal and Shoveler numbers increasing, a few Wigeon and Pintail arriving and a good number of waders now passing through. An Osprey is feeding out on the Solway mud at

25 August 2016

Tuesday August 23rd

Tuesday August 23rd

Still plenty of duck on The Folly Pond, along with a few Snipe and Black-tailed Godwits. Two Greenshanks too, first thing. Great White Egret on the merse yesterday has yet to be found today Today's high tide 16:36     9.0m Around the reserve today:

23 August 2016

Monday August 22nd update

Monday August 22nd update

Big upturn in duck nos. yesterday, with over 1,000 Teal distributed between The Folly Pond and pools on the merse, where a male Marsh Harrier (different to the bird that has been around the last few weeks) reduced their numbers by one... Adult Peregrine a

22 August 2016

Sunday Aug 21st

Sunday Aug 21st

Reserve lying quite wet, with a good spread of birds through several of the fields, notably 9 Black-tailed Godwits in The Ridden Field and hundreds each of Black-headed and Common Gulls. Little Grebe on Whooper Pond and decent nos of Teal and Shoveler on

21 August 2016