Latest sightings

Reserve Update Thursday 26th May

Reserve Update Thursday 26th May

A reed warbler made a surprise visit to Caerlaverock yesterday and can still be heard singing in the reed beds on the Peter Scott Trail today.  While not a rare bird they are not a common sight (and sound!) to the reserve. The baby bird bonanza continues

26 May 2016

Wednesday May 25th

Wednesday May 25th

Much cooler and overcast today, albeit dry, making for better visibility. Little change on the wildlife front from recent days Today's high tide is at 15:17,  8.6m Around the reserve today: Whooper Pond Mallard 10+ Oystercatcher 2 Mute Swan 2 - wit

25 May 2016

Tuesday May 24th

Tuesday May 24th

Not a lot of change today; the stint posted on Twitter yesterday didn't stay, but was probably a Temminck's. Still plenty of birdsong in the main avenue particularly - great for brushing up on those more common warblers Today's high tide is at 14:42  8.

24 May 2016

Sunday May 22nd

Sunday May 22nd

Both Mute Swan families "out and about". Still a few Wigeon around, also a pair of Pintail. Lots singing this morning, with eight Sedge Warbler territories down the main avenue, plus Blackcap, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler etc. Today's high tide is at 13:3

22 May 2016

Reserve Update Saturday 21st May

Reserve Update Saturday 21st May

Blustery start to the day.  Wood sandpiper was not seen all day yesterday but the south-westerly breeze could see some other visitors being blown into the reserve today.  Second mute swan family has hatched six cygnets on the flood ground. Today's high

21 May 2016

Reserve Update Friday 20th May

Reserve Update Friday 20th May

No sign of the wood sandpiper yet this morning but visitors were get cracking views from the folly pond hide yesterday afternoon (despite the weather!) Pair of pintail showing nicely on the flood ground and the first lapwing chicks have been spotted at a

20 May 2016

Reserve Update Thursday 19th May

Reserve Update Thursday 19th May

Folly pond was the place to be yesterday afternoon with visits from a wood sandpiper and female garganey.  The wood sandpiper has been seen again first thing this morning but no sign of the garganey yet..... Blackbirds have been creating a ruckus in th

19 May 2016

Latest Sightings - 18th May

Latest Sightings - 18th May

After a much needed downpour last night, this morning has started dry and bright. The fields are freshening up, and you can see broods of Lapwing foraging around the Avenue Tower, the Mute Swan family with their 8 cygnets are moving between the Teal Pond

18 May 2016

Tuesday May 17th

Tuesday May 17th

Buzzard again this morning, soaring over the outer merse; Kestrel also. Plenty of singing in the two avenues - we seem to be doing well for Sedge Warbler this spring. Buntings seem in short supply though. There are nine Black-headed Gull nests now on the

17 May 2016

Reserve update for Monday May 16th

Reserve update for Monday May 16th

Again no sign yet of Tawny Owl or chicks. Garganey too absent so far. Yesterday we had the first glimpse of the newly hatched cygnets at the Teal Pond. Buzzard on the trig point this am, feeding on one the currently abundant rabbits Today's high tide is a

16 May 2016

Update Saturday 14th May

Update Saturday 14th May

No sign of the male garganey so far today.  Greeted by the unusual sight first thing this morning of a tawny owl perched on the railings in the car park.  It has now flown off to seek better cover in the surrounding trees. Today's high tide is at 19:27

14 May 2016

Update Friday 13th May

Update Friday 13th May

A male garganey has been sighted feeding on the flood ground, best views from Avenue Tower.  Also visible from the Tower are two tardy barnacle geese feeing out on the fields. Today's high tide is at 17:50,  8.2m Around the reserve today: Whooper Pond

13 May 2016

Wednesday May 11th

Wednesday May 11th

A lone Greenshank on the Folly Pond this morning. Lots of Sedge Warblers on territory and a couple of Whitethroats also in full voice in The Avenue Around the reserve today: Whooper Pond Mallard 5 Wigeon 2 Tufted Duck 1 Grey Heron 1 Moorhen 1 Oystercat

11 May 2016

(Late) Sunday update, May 8th

(Late) Sunday update, May 8th

Just one Tawny Owlet on show today, but also thrilling views of hunting Short-eared Owl, from the Avenue Tower. Interesting change of emphasis after a long winter of wildfowl spectaculars! Today's high tide is at 14:11,  10.0m Around the reserve today

8 May 2016

Update Saturday 7th May

Update Saturday 7th May

Visitors were treated to tremendous views of two tawny owlets yesterday afternoon from the Peter Scott Trail.  No sign of the them yet this morning. The first cuckoo of the year was heard on neighbouring land.  Listen out for it when on the summer walk

7 May 2016