Latest sightings

Around the reserve, Monday 7th March

Around the reserve, Monday 7th March

Still on only around 2000 Barnacles in the fields and merses, and just over 100 Whoopers at the feeds today, though perhaps as many as 300 in the immediate locality. A Merlin overflew the Avenue earlier, where three Magpies were a less than usual sighting

7 March 2016

Reserve update Wed 2nd March

Reserve update Wed 2nd March

Barnacle nos. relatively low today, but good close views currently nonetheless. The Tawny Owl has been fending off Jackdaws at the nestbox again and Water Rails are still affording close views periodically under the Peter Scott Trail feeders. Whoopers in

2 March 2016

Tues March 1st update

Tues March 1st update

Much milder today, but breezy and showery. 26mm of rain overnight must mean that it's the start of (meteorological) spring today... The Tawny Owl remains on watch from its box overlooking the Whooper Pond where the lone male Greater Scaup is still hanging

1 March 2016

Around the reserve, Tuesday Feb 29th

Around the reserve, Tuesday Feb 29th

A touch milder today but feeling colder in the stiff SW breeze. Still a few Bramblings and Water Rails on the Peter Scott Trail, and male Greater Scaup on Whooper Pond, along with about 120 Whooper Swans. Barnacle Geese quite widely dispersed now as is no

29 February 2016

Update, Sunday Feb 28th

Update, Sunday Feb 28th

Still sunny and calm, with a thin sheet of ice on some outlying pools. The ever watchful Tawny Owl remains at the entrance hole to its nestbox, visible from the Peter Scott Observatory. The feed station continues to supply close views of Water Rails, alon

28 February 2016

Latest Sightings - 27th February

Latest Sightings - 27th February

A lovely sunny day at the moment and plenty to see. The Tawny Owl was sunning itself in the entrance to its box overlooking the Whooper Pond earlier. Today's high tide is at 14:54  8.8m Around the reserve today: Barnacle Geese: 3000 Whooper Swans: 125

27 February 2016

Latest Sightings - 26th February

Latest Sightings - 26th February

An overcast but dry day on the reserve so far. The Whooper Swans are spread out across the reserve and surrounding fields as they have been the past few months so keep an eye out for them. Pink-footed Geese have been mixed in with Barnacle Geese at the ro

26 February 2016

Reserve update, Thurs Feb 25th

Reserve update, Thurs Feb 25th

A bright, crisp, frosty morning, with the Whoopers and Mutes dispersed over several areas on the reserve, notably the Flood Ground, where there is less ice. Ducks similarly are concentrated there. Plenty of Barnacle about, largely concentrated on the mer

25 February 2016

Wenesday, Feb 24th

Wenesday, Feb 24th

Still cold but with light cloud cover. At least 3500 Barnacles and all the other usual suspects. Apologies in advance for any disturbance to the Whooper Pond and the swan feeds; today is our swan-catch day, fingers and toes crossed for that off the back o

24 February 2016

Reserve update Tuesday Feb 23rd

Reserve update Tuesday Feb 23rd

Cold, calm and sunny today so far. The reserve looks pretty much as yesterday. The Peter Scott Trail is good value with its Water Rails, Kingfisher, Tree Sparrows and a couple of Bramblings. 5500 Barnacles along with the usual 160ish Whoopers provide a w

23 February 2016

Reserve update Monday Feb 22nd

Reserve update Monday Feb 22nd

A brighter day, and should remain dry. A good roost of 50 or so Redshank on Folly Pond currently. Yesterday the male Hen Harrier and a Short-eared Owl performed well over the merses, the Tawny Owl maintains a vigil from its box overlooking the Whooper Po

22 February 2016

Latest Sightings - 20th February - Curlew galore!

Latest Sightings - 20th February - Curlew galore!

The Tawny Owl is still in its box next to the Whooper Pond and has been seen hunting in the evening by the visitors staying in our Farmhouse. Today's high tide is at 10:49  8.6m Around the reserve today: Barnacle Geese: 5500 Whooper Swans: 150 Whoope

20 February 2016

Latest Sightings - 19th February - TWO Green-winged Teals

Latest Sightings - 19th February - TWO Green-winged Teals

We have now confirmed that there are TWO Green-winged Teals on the reserve. One is on the Folly Pond as usual and a second is on the Flood Ground from the Avenue Tower. Today's high tide is at 09:52  8.1m Around the reserve today: Barnacle Geese: 5500

19 February 2016

Latest Sightings - 18th February - frozen but sunny

Latest Sightings - 18th February - frozen but sunny

It's the second day of our Scottish Puddle Jumping Championships, come down and make a splash 10am - 1pm! Wellies are essential to get down the Saltcot Loaning, the Avenue is just about passable with walking boots. The drake Greater Scaup has moved over t

18 February 2016

Latest Sightings - 17th February - wet again...

Latest Sightings - 17th February - wet again...

Very wet overnight means there are plenty of puddles for the start of the Scottish Puddle Jumping Championships today. Wellies are again recommended for getting down the Avenue and essential for the Saltcot Loaning. No sign of the Tawny Owl in the doorway

17 February 2016