Latest sightings

Latest Sightings - 17th October - First Whooper family of the winter arrives

Latest Sightings - 17th October - First Whooper family of the winter arrives

The first family of Whooper Swans this winter has arrived this morning. Z6L & Z7S (both 7 yr olds) have dropped in on the Whooper Pond with their 3 cygnets. A Kingfisher has been seen this morning from the Back Pond Hide. Still no sign of the Bitter

17 October 2015

Latest Sightings - 16th October

Latest Sightings - 16th October

Still no sign of the Bittern today, it hasn't been seen since Monday so it may well have moved on. Still plenty of Barnacle Geese around and amongst them are still the 3 leucistic (white) Barnacles and also the Snow Goose. A male Hen Harrier was seen from

16 October 2015

Latest sightings

Latest sightings

For anyone visiting at the moment, the spectacle of Barnacle Geese is only getting better with a whopping 12,000 seen on the reserve on Monday! There has been considerable interest in the white-phase Snow Goose seen most most days recently, but unwary vi

14 October 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

For anyone visiting at the moment, the spectacle of Barnacle Geese is only getting better with a whopping 12,000 seen on the reserve yesterday! When you're looking through the geese, keep an eye out for any white ones as there are a few around at the mome

13 October 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Around the reserve today: Barnacle Geese: 8000 - including 2 leucistic (white) Barnacles Whooper Swans: 4 High Tide 12:21  8.8m Whooper Pond Mute Swan 14 Mallard 185 Tufted Duck 30 Gadwall 2 Wigeon 47 Little Grebe 2 Folly Pond Teal 232 Wigeon 134 Mall

9 October 2015

The whooper swans are back!

The whooper swans are back!

Four whooper swans arrived overnight and settled in on the Whooper Pond. Whooper swans we have had dropping in over the last few nights have just been passing through and not staying long, so these appear to be the first of our overwintering birds. Mixed

8 October 2015

Latest sightings

Latest sightings

Around the reserve... Barnacle Geese: 5000 Whooper Swans: 1 High Tide 08:56  7.4m Whooper Pond Mute Swan 14 Mallard 196 Tufted Duck 25 Gadwall 1 ♂ Wigeon 3 Teal 5 Little Grebe 2 juvs Folly Pond Teal 650 Wigeon 550 Pintail 40 Mallard 20 Shoveler 4 Sni

7 October 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Around the reserve... Barnacle Geese: 6750 - including 2 leucistic (white) Barnacles Whooper Swans: 0 High Tide 07:30  7.5m Whooper Pond Mute Swan 11 Mallard 177 Tufted Duck 31 Gadwall 1 ♂ Wigeon 17 Teal 5 Little Grebe 2 juvs Folly Pond Snow Goose 1

6 October 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Around the reserve... Barnacle Geese: 1000 Whooper Swans: 0 High Tide 16:44  8.8m Whooper Pond Mute Swan 6 Mallard 196 Tufted Duck 25 Gadwall 1 ♂ Wigeon 3 Teal 5 Little Grebe 2 juvs Folly Pond Teal 650 Wigeon 550 Pintail 40 Mallard 20 Shoveler 4 Snip

3 October 2015

Latest Sightings - fog

Latest Sightings - fog

We have very heavy fog here this morning, making viewing close to impossible. Hopefully it burns off soon and we will have some sightings for you...

2 October 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Around the reserve... Barnacle Geese: 500 Pink-footed Geese: 2000+ Whooper Swans: 0 High Tide 15:14  9.8m Whooper Pond Mallard 220 Tufted Duck 31 Gadwall 1 Shoveler 2 Mute Swan 5 Folly Pond Pink-footed Geese 200+ Teal 300 Wigeon 100 Mallard 20 Shoveler

1 October 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Around the reserve... Barnacle Geese: 500 Pink-footed Geese: 2000+ Whooper Swans: 0 High Tide 14?:31  10.0m Whooper Pond Mallard 220 Tufted Duck 30 Gadwall 1 Shoveler 2 Mute Swan 5 Folly Pond Pink-footed Geese 200+ Teal 300 Wigeon 100 Mallard 20 Shovel

30 September 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Around the reserve... Barnacle Geese: 80 Pink-footed Geese: 2210+ Whooper Swans: 0 High Tide 13:48  10.0m Whooper Pond Mallard 213 Tufted Duck 29 Gadwall 1 Shoveler 2 Canada Geese 21 Mute Swan 5 Folly Pond Teal 300 Wigeon 100 Mallard 20 Shoveler 4 Snip

29 September 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The first 30 Barnacle Geese arrived yesterday. They flew over the centre calling and then landed on the eastern merse. Today we have the first Whooper Swan of the winter. A lone adult is feeding in the Flood Ground. There are also large flocks of Pink-foo

26 September 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The first 30 Barnacle Geese have just arrived this morning. They flew over the centre calling and then landed on the eastern merse. Barnacle Geese: 30 High Tide 10:39  8.3m Whooper Pond Mute Swan 6 + 1 cygnet Mallard 158 Tufted Duck 7 Gadwall 3 Shovel

25 September 2015