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First Barnacle geese of the season

This week saw the return of the first flocks of Barnacle geese to our site, a very welcome sight (and sound). On Wednesday 14th September, around 134 were counted from our Avenue tower. There were also some Pink footed geese amongst them. We look forward to their numbers increasing over the following weeks as those making their migrations from Arctic Svalbard make their way back to us.

12th September
Whooper pond

  • Otter
Campbell hide
  • 2 Whitethroat
Sir Peter Scott Observatory
  • Little grebe
13th September
Whooper pond
  • Otter

14th September
Saltcot Observatory

  • Great white egret
  • Roe deer
Avenue Tower
  • 134 Barnacle geese
  • 17 Pink footed geese

Feature photo credit Barnacle geese by Alex Hillier

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