Latest Sightings - 16th September

Still a slight northerly wind for the next few days which could aide migrants heading down from the Arctic. We are still waiting for Whooper Swans to arrive and join the one that over-summered, 3 arrived in late September last year but it wasn't until the 7th October that we had an influx. When will they arrive this year?

The first Barnacle Geese to arrive last year was a flock of 29 on 17th September which means we could see them any day now, keep an eye on the skies and the merse!

Pink-footed Geese can now be seen in good numbers, however they are staying out on the Solway mud at present having just arrived from Iceland. They will hopefully begin to move on the merse and fields around the reserve over the next few days.

A Kingfisher has been seen regularly on the Folly Pond and also the Back Pond over the past week, patience or luck is required.

A Ruff has been seen on the Folly Pond this morning, and more waders could be drawn in during the day.

Today's high tide is at 09:42   8m

Around the reserve:

Whooper Pond
Whooper Swan 1
Mute Swan 4+ 4 cygnets
Mallard 120
Gadwall 1♂
Tufted Duck 4
Wigeon 3
Cormorant 1
Canada Geese 20
Moorhen 5

Folly Pond

Teal 40
Shoveler 5
Wigeon 2
Lapwing 30
Black-tailed Godwit 3
Ruff 1
Moorhen 1
House Martins - 39 nests on Farmhouse Tower (youngsters now flying)

Teal Pond

Gadwall 7
Coot 1
Moorhen 3

Avenue Tower
Mallard 4
Wigeon 2
Curlew 2
Mute Swan 2 & 1 cygnet
Grey Heron 1
Brown Hare 1
Roe Deer 5

Saltcot Merse Observatory

Whooper Swan 1
Mute Swan 16
Linnets - flocks of up to 60
Pink-footed Geese 458
Canada Geese 300+
Greylag Geese 100+
Roe Deer 5
Hebridean Sheep 10
Longhorn Cattle 3

At high tide: 
Shelduck 2000
Curlew 100+
Dunlin 370+
Knot 50
Golden Plover 20+
Mixed Gulls 3000+
Barnacle goose 2 (over-summered)
Pintail 200

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)

Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Great-spotted Woodpecker
Willow Warbler

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Osprey Webcam

See live footage of our local Osprey nest here:

The camera is online between 10am and 5pm daily.

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