Latest Sightings - Wednesday 23rd January - Whoopers in the mist

Opening times:
10am - 5pm every day except Christmas Day

A hard frost last night has covered the reserve with ice. The Whooper Pond and Folly Pond are the only areas of open water on the site so most of the birds are using them. The Barnacle Geese are probably out on the saltmarshes but the sea mist has rolled in from the Solway so we can't see very far.

A Sparrowhawk is hunting the misty Avenue and a Kestrel is perched in Willows next to the Whooper Pond.

Named Whooper Swan arrivals:

YHS - Solway Siren
Lost Darvic - Hagar
YJL - Linda H
YSJ - Sheldon Whooper
ZVY - Orchid
YFS - Obi Swan Kenobi
Lost Darvic - Princess Layer
XLN - Gylfi
YFU - Magnus
YHV- Wowsie (+ 1 cygnet)
ZXJ - Ruth C (+ 4 cygnets)
Z6L - Rooby & Z7S - Bowie (+ 2 cygnets)
Z5N - Andy
YFB - Eric Anthony
YTC - Margaret Ruth
Z9F - Hendrik
APR - Elsie Barbara
YRG - Lucky Linda
ZJA - Annabel
YRS - Stephen
YSK - Countess of Boulogne
YFF - Solway Annie
ZXP - Mary
ZGT - Butterbur
YRN - Douglas Flintoff
YSF - Topsy
Lost darvic - Kate Two
Lost darvic - New York Lady
Lost darvic - Atty
Lost darvic - Renfrew
Lost darvic - Paisley
Lost darvic - Aspen
APC - George
YFP - Bekah Jo (+ 3 cygnets)
YHH - Lady Ela (+ 1 cygnet)
XKA - Eleanor
Z6R - Archie
YPH - McMurdoston
YTF - Odette
YPV - McNoo
ZKZ - Hector
Lost Darvic - Snoopy
YRH - Rufus
Lost Darvic - Silje
Lost Darvic - Blackbill Cupcake
Lost Darvic - Suzanne
Lost Darvic - T. J. Whooper
Lost Darvic - Whoopie
ZVA - Bonsai
ZFJ - Beryl

Around the reserve:

Whooper Pond
Whooper Swan 126 (including 20 cygnets)
Mute Swan 60 (including 10 cygnets)
Canada Goose 30
Mallard 190
Tufted Duck 30
Greater Scaup 2 (one is a suspected hybrid)
Teal 11
Wigeon 170
Moorhen 7
Oystercatcher 2

Folly Pond
Teal 50
Wigeon 200
Shoveler 25
Mallard 45
Shelduck 10
Redshank 5
Black-tailed Godwit 19

Teal Pond

Avenue Tower
Longhorn Cattle 2

Saltcot Merse Observatory
Pink-footed Geese
Barnacle Geese
Greylag Geese
Canada Geese
Hen Harrier
Mute Swan
Little Egret
Great Black-backed Gull
Black-headed Gull
Common Gull
Herring Gull
Hebridean Sheep 12

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)

Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Song Thrush
Great-spotted Woodpecker


Unfortunately due to a problem with our network we are unable to show our webcams at the moment. We apologise for the delay in getting this fixed and hope to have them up and running again soon.

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