Not our usual sightings, but Spring is coming!

As we are closed to all visitors, we won't be putting out our usual sightings updates but we will try to keep you up to date with general goings on here at the reserve. Our main focus is keeping the site in good order with minimal staff, looking after our sheep and cows and other essential duties.

Spring is definitely on its way, with Primroses in bloom, Hawthorns in leaf and Rooks busy nest building in the Avenue.

35 Rook nests are being built in the Avenue.

Hawthorns beginning to leaf up.

Keep your eyes and ears peeled as we begin to see summer migrants arriving. We've already heard Chiffchaffs singing in the bushes!

The Whooper Swans have left, and are winging their way back to Iceland. We've seen the odd few dropping in briefly before heading off.


Our webcam is live 24/7 so you can tune in to get your evening fix of wildlife. As the Swans have left, we just have it focussed on our Badger feeding area. Watch the badgers as they come out to feed every evening! You may even be lucky enough to spot other wildlife such as otters, foxes or barn owls! Let us know what you see...

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