Reserve Update Saturday 4th June

The black-headed gulls were having a right set-to with three herons that had dared to get too close to the island in the flood ground.  There must be chicks on it, we just haven't been able to see them yet due to the vegetation cover.

The baby bird count was increased yesterday by two moorhen chicks on the folly pond and six long-tailed tits in the Peter Scott Trial.

Today's high tide is at 12:16  9.5m

Around the reserve today:

Whooper Pond
Mallard 38
Oystercatcher 2
Moorhen 1
Mute Swan 2 & cygnets (Back Pond)

Folly Pond

Mallard 2 & ducklings
Black-headed Gull 2
Lapwing 2
Oystercatcher 1
Heron 1
House Martins

Teal Pond
Moorhen 2
Heron 1

Avenue Tower
Teal 8
Mallard 1
Gadwall 4
Black-headed Gull 20 - 8 nests
Lapwing 2
Grey Heron 4
Oystercatcher 2

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)
Reed Warbler
Garden Warbler
Willow Warbler
Sedge Warbler

Sand Martin
House Martin

Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Song Thrush
Great-spotted Woodpecker

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