Sightings - 28/07/2017


Another juvenile Redstart was present down at Saltcot yesterday, showing very well along the path to the hide.

There were 30 Scaup on the Solway at high tide, but they're extremely distant and hard to make out on the choppy water. These numbers will continue to build over the coming months as the is one of the main wintering areas for this species.

Ospreys are still being seen regularly, one was carrying a large fish inland yesterday evening and Saltcot at high tide offers a good chance to see them fishing.

Also yesterday evening 2 Adult Mediterranean Gulls were in a field along the entrance road, among a number of Black-headed Gulls. July is one of the best months to see these smart birds, as they disperse from their breeding grounds and onto the wintering areas, so check your gull flocks!

This morning 2 Redshank are on the folly pond and 30 Curlew are feeding in the Lochar field viewed from the avenue tower.

Juvenile Redstart by Daniel Gornall

Todays high tide is at 16:42, 8.7m

Around the reserve today:

Elder flower
Guelder Rose
Dog Rose
Red Campion
Cuckoo Flower
Herb Robert
Northern March Orchids
Common Spotted Orchid
Lesser Trefoil
Common Vetch
Tufted Vetch
Red Clover
White Clover
Yellow Rattle

Peacock Butterfly
Large White Butterfly
Meadow Brown Butterfly
Ringlet Butterfly
Common Blue Butterfly
Small Tortoiseshell
Large Red Damselfly
Common Blue Damselfly
Four Spotted Chaser Dragonfly
Common Darter Dragonfly
Early Bumblebee
Tree Bumblebee
Common Carder Bumblebee
Red-tailed Bumblebee
Drinker Moth caterpillar

Brown Hare
Weasel - family with 4 young
Roe Deer - with fawns
Soprano Pipistrelle Bat - evening
Wood Mouse

Whooper Pond
Whooper Swan 1
Mute Swan 2 plus 4 cygnets
Mallard 29
Canada Goose 1

Folly Pond

Mallard 25 - with ducklings
Moorhen 4
Lapwing 200+
Black-tailed Godwit 1
Grey Heron 2
House Martins - 39 nests on Farmhouse Tower

Teal Pond

Swallows nesting in the hide
Gadwall 4
Moorhen 2
Mallard 8

Avenue Tower
Lapwing 5
Little Grebe 1
Mallard 6
Curlew 5
Greylag Goose 1
Brown Hare 5
Roe Deer 3 (including 2 fawns)

Saltcot Merse Observatory
Skylarks singing
Hebridean Sheep 10
Longhorn Cattle 3

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)

Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Great-spotted Woodpecker
Willow Warbler
Sedge Warbler
Garden Warbler

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See live footage of our local Osprey nest here:

The camera is online between 10am and 5pm daily.

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