Latest sightings

Latest Sightings - Saturday 7th July

Latest Sightings - Saturday 7th July

Don't forget to check out our Osprey nest camera, there are two large chicks on the nest: A Common Sandpiper was on the Flood Ground this morning, along with a Little Egret, Grey Hero

7 July 2018

Friday 6th July- Osprey Cam is back on!

Friday 6th July- Osprey Cam is back on!

A male Ruff in breeding plumage was present on Folly Pond a couple of days ago, so autumn migration has begun! An Emerald Damselfly was spotted yesterday afternoon in the Wildlife Garden. Lots of Red Admiral's are about at the moment too. Our Osprey Cam i

6 July 2018

Reserve Update Saturday 30th June

Reserve Update Saturday 30th June

If visiting the site today keep your eyes peeled for one of our Snipe, who has been alternating between Folly Pond, the Paddock and Whooper Pond (where this photo was taken). Today's high tide is at 14:33, 8.6m Around the reserve: Wildflowers Gorse Red C

30 June 2018

Reserve Update Thursday 28th June

Reserve Update Thursday 28th June

The warblers are making their presence known again and filling the Avenue with song.  A Garden Warbler (not singing!) has been spotted the previous two mornings milling around in the trees beyond Teal Pond Hide.  Brown Hares are loving the newly emergin

28 June 2018

Reserve Update Tuesday 26th June

Reserve Update Tuesday 26th June

Nice views of snipe and lapwing feeding along the muddy edges of the Folly Pond this morning. There is plenty of mud for them to chose from with the continuing hot weather and this could also draw in some other waders for a visit.  The Swallows in the Te

26 June 2018

Latest Sightings - Friday 22nd June

Latest Sightings - Friday 22nd June

An Otter was seen on the Back Pond yesterday afternoon. A Common Sandpiper was on the Folly Pond first thing, along with the Oystercatcher chick. Today's high tide is at 08:16, 8.2m Around the reserve: Wildflowers Cuckoo Flower Gorse Red Campion Herb Robe

22 June 2018

Latest Sightings - Thursday 21st June

Latest Sightings - Thursday 21st June

The sun is shining today, but there is a bit of a breeze at the moment. A couple of Whimbrel on the merse yesterday was a welcome addition. The Oystercatcher chick on the Folly Pond is doing very well, it is getting bigger every day still closely followi

21 June 2018

Tuesday 19th June- Avenue Re-open

Tuesday 19th June- Avenue Re-open

The end of the avenue is re-open so you can now access Avenue Tower. 5 Gadwall ducklings on the Back Pond yesterday, and 2 swallow fledglings in the hide. Lots of other fledglings around at the moment, such as Blue Tits, Great Tits, House Sparrows and Tre

19 June 2018

Friday 15th June - Avenue closed beyond Teal Pond Hide until further notice

Friday 15th June - Avenue closed beyond Teal Pond Hide until further notice

The Avenue will remain closed beyond the Teal Pond Hide until further notice due to an unsafe tree which requires a tree surgeon to attend. This means there is no access to the Avenue Tower. We will let you know when it is likely to reopen. Apologies for

15 June 2018

Latest Sightings - Friday 15th June - Avenue still closed, everywhere else open as normal

Latest Sightings - Friday 15th June - Avenue still closed, everywhere else open as normal

It's a calm start to the day after yesterday's wild weather. Everywhere is open as normal except for the Avenue which is still closed at the Teal Pond Hide due to a fallen tree further down. We will get this cleared as soon as possible. Today's high tide

15 June 2018

Latest Sightings - access restrictions due to strong winds and tree damage - Thursday 14th June

Latest Sightings - access restrictions due to strong winds and tree damage - Thursday 14th June

Due to the strong winds & tree damage we have closed part of the site. No access in the Avenue beyond the Teal Pond Hide, no access to the River Walk during the high tide and no access to the Peter Scott Trail until further notice. Sorry for any inco

14 June 2018

Latest Sightings - Friday 8th June

Latest Sightings - Friday 8th June

Still plenty of breeding birds around the site at the moment, many of them feeding chicks. If you walk slowly down the Avenues you can hear chicks in the nestboxes calling to their parents to bring them food. The Oystercatchers on the Folly Pond have sadl

8 June 2018

Reserve Update- Thursday 7th June

Reserve Update- Thursday 7th June

There is lots of nestbox activity down the avenues, with  Blue Tit and Great Tit chicks being fed and cheeping away. Robin chicks were also possibly heard in some undergrowth. 3 baby rabbits were spotted in their usual place half way down the Saltcot Loa

7 June 2018

Latest Sightings - Friday 1st June - Cygnets and chicks

Latest Sightings - Friday 1st June - Cygnets and chicks

Still plenty of chicks around the site today. A pair of Mute Swans have 6 cygnets on the Whooper Pond and a pair have 4 cygnets on the Flood Ground. The Oystercatchers have hatched 2 chicks on the Folly Pond raft, it seems the third egg was not viable an

1 June 2018

Latest Sightings - Wednesday 30th May - chicks hatching!

Latest Sightings - Wednesday 30th May - chicks hatching!

It's all about the chicks today. The Mute Swans on the Flood Ground and Teal Pond have hatched cygnets. Four have hatched on the Flood Ground and we are just waiting to get a full count from the Teal Pond pair. The Oystercatchers on the Folly Pond raft ha

30 May 2018