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Woodland closure

Due to weather warnings for high winds, our woodland will be closed on Sunday 23 February. All other areas of the site will be open as normal. Thank you for your understanding.


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The best signs of Spring to look out for at Castle Espie

Wood sorrel. Credit: Jonny Clark

Spring at Castle Espie is a magical time when nature bursts into a symphony of colours and life. Picture the landscape transforming into a kaleidoscope of hues as it teems with new beginnings. Here’s a taste of the best Spring nature to look out for on your next visit our reserve:

A floral spectacle

Look out for the delicate snowdrops and graceful wood sorrel painting the ground. And don't miss the whimsical "pussy willows" swaying on willow trees or the bright yellow daffodils dancing across the woodland floors. Near water, the golden blooms of marsh marigolds stand proudly, providing a splash of colour regardless of the weather. Plus, listen closely, and you'll hear the gentle hum of bees collecting nectar.


Avian activity in full swing

For birders, spring brings an exciting flurry of activity. It’s the return of the terns as they begin scouting for the perfect nesting spot. Black-headed gulls also make their presence known, engaging in elaborate displays to attract mates. They are a Northern Ireland Priority species, so their large numbers at Castle Espie are always a welcome sight.

The melodious tunes of blackbirds, song thrushes and more fill the air too, as they court potential mates and defend their territories.

Black headed gull in flight.
Black headed gull

Ponds leap into life

In our ponds, you’re likely to see frogspawn appearing, promising lots of new life. In fact, the first few wriggling tadpoles have already been spotted on site this Spring. You might even create a haven for wetland wildlife like this at home by making a mini-wetlands.

Frogspawn in pond.
Frogspawn. Credit: Jonny Clark

Awakening of the trees

Take a walk through the woodland to notice the trees awakening from their winter slumber. The roots are absorbing lots of water and nutrients from the soil, preparing for new foliage to burst into life.

Adorable ducklings

And, of course, no springtime scene is complete without fluffy ducklings paddling around in the lakes and ponds. From mallards and gadwall to shelduck and tufted ducks, it’s a heartwarming sight for visitors of all ages.

Two mallard ducklings walking along.
Mallard ducklings. Credit: Jonny Clark

Immerse yourself in wild wonders

So why wait? Spring at Castle Espie is the perfect time to immerse yourself in the wonders of nature. Every corner of the reserve holds a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. Come and experience the magic for yourself!

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