Latest sightings

Recent Sightings 4th March 2024

Recent Sightings 4th March 2024

With an icy cold wind and the tide all the way out, this morning’s count was lacking a few of our usual residents – but there’s always something to see in nature! Despite the chill there was a Kingfisher on the Main Lake, making the most of the clea

4 March 2024

Recent Sightings 26th February 2024

Recent Sightings 26th February 2024

Our rare visitor is still here! A Spotted redshank, an unusual sight at Castle Espie, seems to be sticking around the area for a while, often seen either on the Estuary or the Wadermarsh – both habitats can be seen perfectly from the Brent Hide on the R

27 February 2024

Recent Sightings 19th February 2024

Recent Sightings 19th February 2024

Exciting news – a rare bird alert! This past week we’ve had a Spotted redshank (pictured) roaming through the waters of the Wadermarsh, feeding alongside Greenshank, Common redshank and Black-tailed godwits. Easily visible from the Brent Hide on the

20 February 2024

Recent Sightings 12th February 2024

Recent Sightings 12th February 2024

Lots of variety on the Reserve and out on the Lough for this count, with lots of waders coming in with the tide and some of our favourite woodland birds making an appearance. Large numbers of Oystercatcher, Knot and Dunlin were out feeding on the mudflats

13 February 2024

Recent Sightings 5th February 2024

Recent Sightings 5th February 2024

The tide was slowly creeping out for this count, providing lots of waders and wildfowl that could easily be seen from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory. Large numbers of Knot were feeding on the mudflats with smaller Dunlin mixed into the group.

7 February 2024

Recent Sightings 29th January 2024

Recent Sightings 29th January 2024

The tide was just starting to creep in for this mornings count, bringing into view Eider ducks and Goldeneye on the Strangford Lough waters. Large groups of Shelduck were on the mudflats, feeding on invertebrates and plant matter in the sand, alongside th

29 January 2024

Recent Sightings 22nd January 2024

Recent Sightings 22nd January 2024

After Storm Isha on Sunday night, the count on Monday morning seemed more like a roll call to see which birds hadn’t been blown away in the wind! Luckily, lots of our favourite visitors to the reserve managed to brave the stormy weather and hunker down

24 January 2024

Recent Sightings 15th January 2024

Recent Sightings 15th January 2024

Such a beautiful, crisp morning for a count, and although the wind was icy cold, there were stunning views over the Reserve and out onto Strangford Lough. The tide was out, and mixed flocks of Brent geese and Shelduck were busy feeding on the exposed mudf

16 January 2024

Recent Sightings 8th January 2024

Recent Sightings 8th January 2024

A very cold and windy count rewarded us with some unusual visitors on the Main Lake – a pair of Red-breasted mergansers (pictured). These sawbills are excellent fishers - with their long serrated beaks, they can catch and hold onto fast-swimming, slippe

8 January 2024

Recent Sightings 2nd January 2024

Recent Sightings 2nd January 2024

Happy New Year! The first count of 2024 provided us with Kingfishers and Peregrines and Plovers and Sparrowhawks – a lovely variety of some of our most striking, colourful and charismatic visitors to the reserve. Look out for the small passerines on the

2 January 2024

Recent Sightings 18th December 2023

Recent Sightings 18th December 2023

With the tide all the way out for this count, lots of lovely waders were on the Estuary of all shapes and sizes. A few Grey plover made an appearance amongst the throngs of Oystercatcher and Light-bellied brent geese, sporting their beautiful white and si

19 December 2023

Recent Sightings 11th December 2023

Recent Sightings 11th December 2023

Lots of variety out on the Estuary as the tide crept in, with waders of all shapes and sizes exploring the exposed mudflats and hunting for food. Tiny Dunlin and Turnstone rushed around as the Brent geese grazed on Eelgrass. Sea ducks including Eider and

12 December 2023

Recent Sightings 4th December 2023

Recent Sightings 4th December 2023

For the first count of December this year we’ve been greeted with a pair of beautiful Pintail ducks on the Main Lake! Pintail (pictured) are very graceful, elegant looking dabbling ducks, which feed mainly on plant matter. They are more commonly seen th

4 December 2023

Recent Sightings 20th November 2023

Recent Sightings 20th November 2023

A very windy count this morning as the tide went out, taking the divers and sea ducks with it. However, several Great-crested grebe and a small group of Red-breasted merganser were still visible from the Limekiln Observatory – their long necks and disti

20 November 2023

Recent Sightings 23rd October 2023

Recent Sightings 23rd October 2023

The Estuary was full of life on this beautiful, crisp morning as the tide went out and exposed the mudflats of Strangford Lough. Waterfowl and waders alike gathered to feed - with large numbers of Light-bellied brent geese grazing on Eelgrass, rafts of Ei

23 October 2023