Latest sightings

Little Ringed Plover chicks on the wader scrape

Little Ringed Plover chicks on the wader scrape

3 Newly hatched Little Ringed Plover chicks on the wader scrape this morning in the company of both adults.

16 June 2019

Pair of Common Tern on the main lake

Pair of Common Tern on the main lake

2 Common Tern on the main lake shingle islands this morning.

14 June 2019

Swift and House Martin feeding low over the grazing marsh

Swift and House Martin feeding low over the grazing marsh

Good numbers of Swift and Sand Martin with an additional 3 House Martin feeding low over the site this morning.

13 June 2019

Mediterranean Gull over the main lake

Mediterranean Gull over the main lake

3 Mediterranean Gull drifting high over the main lake heading South West.

12 June 2019

Little Ringed Plover pair on the wader scrape

Little Ringed Plover pair on the wader scrape

Little Ringed Plover pair on the wader scrape with Common Tern hunting over the main lake.

9 June 2019

Hobby hunting in haste over the reserve

Hobby hunting in haste over the reserve

Hobby showing excellently as it hunted over the entire reserve.

8 June 2019

Plenty of Sand Martins & Swifts zipping through the rain

Plenty of Sand Martins & Swifts zipping through the rain

Little Ringed Plover pair Still sitting on the wader scrape

7 June 2019

Common Terns fishing in Wildside

Common Terns fishing in Wildside

Common Terns active in Wildside and Kestrel hunting on South route.

6 June 2019

Pochard brood in Wildside

Pochard brood in Wildside

Brood of 5 newly hatched Pochard in Wildside.

5 June 2019

Hobby on the hunt this morning

Hobby on the hunt this morning

Plenty of swifts & sand Martins on the wing

4 June 2019

Juvenile Lapwing take to the air

Juvenile Lapwing take to the air

4 Juvenile Lapwing now taking practice flights on the wader scrape, with Little Ringed Plover and Common Tern also nesting on site.

3 June 2019

Mediterranean Gulls circling the main lake

Mediterranean Gulls circling the main lake

2 Mediterranean Gull circling the main lake before drifting off West.

2 June 2019

Little Egrets on the marsh

Little Egrets on the marsh

Good views of Ringed Plover Little Ringed Plover & Little Egrets in the sunshine today

1 June 2019

Ringed Plover on the main lake

Ringed Plover on the main lake

Ringed Plover & Little Ringed Plover on our main lake this morning

31 May 2019

Yellow Wagtail on the marsh

Yellow Wagtail on the marsh

A Yellow Wagtail feeding on the marsh close to wildside hide. Lapwings holding territory nearby, and at least one Lapwing juvenile on the marsh as well

30 May 2019