Martin Mere news

New reedbed walk

New reedbed walk

A new reedbed walk has opened at WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre aimed to get our visitors face to face with some of our more secretive species whilst also enjoying a walk through nature. Reserve Manager, Tom Clare, said: “We are opening up the Pat Wisni

29 April 2017

On your marks

On your marks

Get your place at the starting line this Bank Holiday at WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre On your marks, get set, go…………. WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre is making a splash this bank holiday weekend with the fourth annual plastic duck race on Monday

18 April 2017

Stop press moos

Stop press moos

The first three Long-horn calves of the season has been born at WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre, helping the Centre to traditionally manage the reserve. The calves, born from the 26 March, along with all the adults can be viewed from the Ron Barker hide. T

7 April 2017

Rare Nene gosling hatched

Rare Nene gosling hatched

Wardens at WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre are celebrating an early Easter present after one rare Nene gosling recently hatched in mid-March. Only about 1,000 Nenes – pronounced ‘nay-nay’ after their call – survive in the wild in their native Hawai

24 March 2017

Maghull & Lydiate Art Group

Maghull & Lydiate Art Group

The latest exhibition has been unveiled at WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre by the Maghull and Lydiate Art Group. The art group has been in existence since 1970 and is an integrated member of the community with monthly meetings, professional painting demons

17 March 2017

Avocets return

Avocets return

Spring is in the air at WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre with the first 5 avocets returning to the centre on 19 February as part of the spring migration. The avocets, now currently 11, will remain at the centre until early August, using the reserve as their

21 February 2017

Name a swan

Name a swan

WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre currently have 1360 Whooper swans using the reserve with hundreds of them coming in for the daily swan feeds at 3pm and 3.30pm. Over the next two months, Martin Mere is running a competition for our visitors to name swan ‘

12 January 2017