Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Fri 6 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

With the winds swinging round to the east we are in for a cold but bright week ahead, possibly longer if the forecasters super computers have got it right. A count of roosting Whooper Swan on Sunday reached 1100 suggesting some birds will already be headi

20 February 2018

Bittern Booming

Bittern Booming

A good start to the weekend with the sound of a Bittern booming out on the Reed Bed. Never an easy bird to see, Bittern have been heard regularly booming at the start of spring at Martin Mere but these birds have only ever been winter visitors. More A

17 February 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Good viewing conditions on Tuesday but a little on the wet and windy side on Wednesday. At least the forecast into the weekend looks much better. Still packed with wintering wildfowl. The numbers will tend to hold up into March but then quickly decline as

14 February 2018

Avocet return.

Avocet return.

Can we say this is the first sign of spring? The first of the returning Avocet were on Vinson's Marsh this morning, just 3 birds. In the coming weeks this number will increases considerably, watch this space.. The traditio

13 February 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A chilly start to the week with a brisk wind that dropped during the day and plenty of sunshine. Sunset from the other day (Andy Bunting) An increase in Oystercatcher with 41 birds, 1000+ Lapwing, 10 Black-tailed Godw

12 February 2018



The early spring build up of waders has begun, with increasing numbers of Oystercatchers currently up to 20 birds, also a good count of 128 Ruff, 1-2 Redshank, 1 Curlew, a few groups of Golden Plover in recent days including 30 yesterday. Also still rea

8 February 2018

Let it Snow

Let it Snow

Rare for snow to settle at Martin Mere A light dusting of snow is always a delight (if you like that sort of thing). Some brief reports. A mixed flock of 200+ Fieldfare and a few Redwing were seen just off the reserve

6 February 2018

Scaup new for the year

Scaup new for the year

Lovely weather on Sunday, light winds and plenty of sunshine. Late winter birding at it's best Just a brief selection of sightings. Please run through the previous weeks reports for the full picture! A 1st winter drak

4 February 2018

Raptor Fest

Raptor Fest

A murky start on Saturday clearing later on. Another good raptor day with at least 7 Marsh Harrier on the reserve. A couple of sightings of Merlin in the morning at least, 5+ Buzzard, 2 Kestrel, Peregrine and Sparrowhawk. Roosting Tawny Owl near the Kingf

3 February 2018

Bittern and other birds

Bittern and other birds

Mild on Tuesday followed by some squally wintry showers on Wednesday. Starting off with a Bittern seen from the Outer Reedbed Walk on Tuesday afternoon. It is likely that it is the same bird that was seen earlier in the month. Never an easy bird to catch

31 January 2018

Green Sandpiper and other birds

Green Sandpiper and other birds

Early rain followed by blue skies and a chilly wind. No clouds! A brief update. See previous days for a fuller picture. Green Sandpiper from the Harrier Hide is the first for the year, an unusual winter visitor here.

29 January 2018

Weekend Sightings

Weekend Sightings

A calm start to the weekend followed by very mild but windy conditions. Plenty of raptor action as usual with 6+ Buzzard, 4+ Marsh Harrier, 2 Peregrine, 2 Sparrowhawk and 2 Kestrel. Tawny Owl roosting near the Kingfisher Hide. Minimum of 300 Whooper Swan

28 January 2018



Lovely day with a frosty start and sunshine until late on. The early morning count of roosting birds produced 5000 Pink-footed Geese and 1400 Whooper Swan. Merlin was the pick of the raptors, at least 5 Marsh Harrier including the green wing-tagged bird,

26 January 2018

Green-winged Teal is back

Green-winged Teal is back

Early squally showers followed by a brisk South-westerly and sunshine. A few early signs that spring isn't too far around the corner, with a bit of a dawn chorus yesterday in mild conditions, Teal whistling out on the marsh and the arrival of a few more O

24 January 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

After the sleet swept weekend Monday wasn't too bad and the lack of rain meant the raptors were performing. Two Peregrine were causing panic among the Lapwing and clashing themselves (imm + ad), at least 4 Marsh Harrier, 4+ Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparro

22 January 2018