Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Fri 6 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Three European White-fronted Geese were in the fields behind the Mere with Pink-footed Geese today. A flock of 3 Golden Plover were seen in flight after all the Lapwing flocks were spooked by a Peregrine just after mid-day. Oystercatchers continue the spr

5 February 2017

Bird News

Bird News

From The Mere today, 3 Little Erets, 2,000 + Lapwings, 12 Oystercatchers, 6+ Black-tailed Godwits, Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 3+ Common Buzzards

3 February 2017



The cracking male Brambling continues to show at the Janet Kear feeding station along with Reed Buntings and an assortment of Tits and other finches. At least 2 Peregrines seen today an adult male and an imm male, also Marsh Harrier, sev Buzzard and Kestr

25 January 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Mammals have been drawing more attention than over the last couple of days, with 3 Roe Deer, Weasel, and Stoat on top of last week's Otter sighting. Still lots of birds around though, with Marsh Harrier, Sparrowhawk, Common Buzzard, Little Egret, Water Ra

24 January 2017



A party of 3 adult European White-fronted Geese were with c1000 Pink-feet in fields along Curlew Lane this morning. European White-fronted Geese, 2 birds out of a group of 3 as well as an aberrant Pink-footed Goose (T. Dis

19 January 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Despite the fowl weather there were a few brave souls out birding on site. The drake Green-winged Teal was again showing on Vinson's, the left hand pool/marsh from Ron Barker Hide with good numbers of Teal. Good numbers of waders feeding in Plover field a

15 January 2017



An excellent day on site, the European Whitefronted Goose was present in the morning with Pink-footed Geese before flying off. Also the drake Green-winged Teal was again from Ron Barker Hide. A Great White Egret flew through the site early morning heading

14 January 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Few reports coming in from around the reserve at the moment, as the weather seems to be keeping many paople indoors. However there are still lots of birds around for those who put on an extra jumper ! A single European White-fronted Goose was with a small

12 January 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Despite a very foggy day a few birds were reported, an adult Mediterranean Gull spent some time on the Mere in the morning. Other sightings included the pair of Tawny Owls near Kingfisher Hide. One of the Water Rails was showing very well from Ron Barker

7 January 2017

Bewick's Swans

Bewick's Swans

A group of 4 adult Bewick's Swans on the Mere this afternoon was the highlight of the day before flying off at 15.34, these are the first records this winter of this increasingly rare Russian visitor. Also at the afternoon feed were c120 Whooper Swans.

6 January 2017

Bird News

Bird News

The male Red-crested Pochard (probably a 1st winter male) is still present from yesterday and showing well on and off all day from Harrier Hide. Late afternoon the Blue phase Snow Goose from Marshside appeared and was still present at dusk on the Mere wit

31 December 2016

Bird News

Bird News

Red-crested Pochard was the most unusual bird of the day - a male flew with three other ducks, (probably female Red-crested Pochards) out of sight behind the reeds in front of the Harrier hide, and appeared again (alone) on the Mere later in the afternoon

30 December 2016

Bird news

Bird news

The Cetti's Warbler was heard near the Harrier Hide this morning. Goldcrest was seen with the Long-tailed Tit flock, Great Spotted Woodpecker was from the Janet Kear feeding station along with good numbers of Reed Buntings. At least 1 Little Egret still p

28 December 2016

Bird news

Bird news

An early morning roost count of Whooper Swans revealed 1450 birds, most of these seem to be feeding off site during the day but using the site for roosting. The counts at the feed in the afternoon have been bringing in about 300 Swans. A count of roosting

27 December 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

A Brambling was reported today by the Kingfisher Hide with Chaffinches, also still up to 2 Little Egrets on site over recent days and today. The 2 Tawny Owls are still being seen in the usual spot near Kingfisher Hide. While Water Rails have been seen qui

24 December 2016