Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Fri 6 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Latest sightings

Dropping the levels

Dropping the levels

Yes, that time has come when the water levels on the Mere are lowered to provide better breeding/feeding habitat for assorted breeding waders and birds on passage. Straight away Avocet (26+) have been feeding on the Mere and both Ruff (40+) and Redshank (

29 March 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Little Egret was  in front of the Kingfisher Hide and showed well. Little Egret from the Kingfisher Hide (Rob Adderley) Still up to 2 Marsh Harriers being seen, along with several Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kest

28 March 2016



Excellent views of Ruff and Black-tailed Godwit can be enjoyed on site at the moment, both giving superb photo opportunities. Good counts of 93 Ruff, 49 Oystercatcher and 29 Avocet, along with small numbers of Redshank and Lapwing. At least one pair of Me

27 March 2016

Sand Martins

Sand Martins

4 Sand Martin passing through the reserve yesterday were the first of the Spring. Redshanks(4+), Oystercatchers (c.50), Ruff (60+) and Black-tailed Godwits (8+) were on the Mere. Lots of Common Buzzards and at least 1 Marsh Harrier still present

25 March 2016

Record Count

Record Count

Overcast and feeling chilly but not so much as to put of the continuing arrival of Mediterranean Gulls with a record 8 adult breeding plumage birds (4 pairs) on the Mere late afternoon yesterday. Recently birds have been present as early as late morning a

23 March 2016

Collared Dove!

Collared Dove!

Overcast and slightly on the chilly side of things which is typical for early spring. Although classic early migrants like Little Ringed Plover, Sand Martin and Wheatear are starting to appear locally it's unpredictable as to whether they will make an app

21 March 2016

Officially Spring

Officially Spring

Bucking the forecast, today was mostly sunny and rather pleasant in the sun for the first day of spring. Would have been nice to have seen the first Sand Martin today but fine weather isn't the best for turning up these birds early on. A pair of adult bre

20 March 2016

Latest Sighting

Latest Sighting

Overcast and cool today with great visibility. Not a huge number of reports today although like most months it should be possible to see over 60 species of wild bird in a day on the reserve. Around 300 Whooper Swan on the Mere late afternoon, and a count

19 March 2016

A taste of the Med'  !

A taste of the Med' !

A pair of Mediterranean Gulls in full breeding plumage were on the Mere today. The birds were performing a slightly half-hearted courtship display - hopefully when the Black-headed Gulls start nesting (very soon now) they will join them and become our lon

18 March 2016

Lapwing and Ruff

Lapwing and Ruff

A cloudy calm start breaking out into yet more sunshine, something that has been missing over most of the winter. Lapwing were in action on Plover Field calling and display flying, one of early spring most evocative sounds. Over 60 Ruff scattered around t

16 March 2016



Another fine day as the high pressure holds with light easterlies and good spells of warm sunshine. These conditions are perfect for the departure of Whooper Swan so it will be interesting to see if any counts reflect this. The first Brambling of the year

15 March 2016

Blackcap singing

Blackcap singing

All the hallmarks of a proper spring day with the first Blackcap of the year in song between the Gladstone and Janet Kear Hides. Three species of butterfly seen with the first Brimstone and Red Admirals as well as Small Tortoiseshell. The downside of the

13 March 2016

Goosander and other birds

Goosander and other birds

A misty start as milder weather and light winds tend to produce these conditions at this time of year. A new bird for the year list, Goosander a male was present for about 30 minutes on Sunley's Marsh before flying off. Goosander are  just about annual o

12 March 2016

Bird News

Bird News

A Redwing in front of the Janet Kear hide, and a Water Rail showing regularly in front of the Kingfisher hide were amongst todays less regularly recorded birds. Bewick's Swan, Hen Harrier, Marsh Harrier, and both our regular Owls were also seen (see yeste

10 March 2016

On the edge of spring

On the edge of spring

With the Mere packed with Whooper Swan still it's hard to believe that the spring equinox is only 11 days away. The forecasters suggest we are in for some milder conditions towards the end of the week which with the lengthening days will see more of our w

9 March 2016