Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Fri 6 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Latest sightings

Spoonbill new for the year

Spoonbill new for the year

A Spoonbill dropped onto Vinson's Marsh early afternoon before flying South. Spoonbill are now pretty much annually occurring on the reserve. Our year list is now on 126 species. See previous days for a fuller picture of what can be seen on the reserve.

31 May 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A little more overcast today making viewing over the reserve easier. More signs of breeding activity with at least 17 Avocet chick out on Woodend Marsh with more birds sitting around the reserve. Other waders; c.100 Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Little Ringed Pl

30 May 2018

Greenshank and Ruff

Greenshank and Ruff

Highlight of the day so far is a breeding plumaged Greenshank that flew in early morning and spent the day feeding around the edge of the Mere, often alongside the breeding plumaged Male Ruff that is still present. Breed p

28 May 2018

Temminck's Stint and other birds

Temminck's Stint and other birds

Temminck's Stint still present til 4.30pm at least. Temminck's Stint (Tony Disley) A Black Tern flew in 11.20am and was still present on Woodend Marsh 4.30pm at least. Great to see at least one male Ruff in full bre

26 May 2018

Temminck's Still

Temminck's Still

A good day on site with plenty of sightings of interest, the Temminck's Stint is still present and showing very well at times on the Mere, also still up to 4 Ruff including a full breeding male. Also on the Mere 2 Greenshank flew through just after 9am bu

25 May 2018

Honey Buzzard & Temminck's

Honey Buzzard & Temminck's

News of a female Honey Buzzard with a satellite tracker recorded over the reed bed trail from 20.00-20.30 yesterday evening! No more information at the moment, and unfortunately no sightings today. A Temminck's Stint appeared on the Mere mid morning and

24 May 2018

Bird News

Bird News

The warm and sunny weather has continued over the past couple of days, and although few new birds are arriving, there is a great variety to be seen on the reserve. The male Garganey has been present on Woodend Marsh again (viewed from the United Utilities

23 May 2018



More great weather, if we aren't to careful we'll be complaining that it's 'too nice' to turn up any late migrants! It is however great for the breeding population with young. This Black-headed Gull pair are still thinking

21 May 2018



A lovely day warm in the sun from early on and plenty of insect life for birds feeing young. Four Cuckoo seen on the Outer Reed Bed Walk the birds are calling inside the grounds too and can be seen from the Harrier Hide, Janet Kear Hide and United Utiliti

19 May 2018



A male Garganey on Woodend Marsh yesterday before moving on to the Mere briefly was our first record for the year of this handsome duck. It was present again on Woodend Marsh today, where 40+ Avocets with at least 9 chicks as of this morning can also be

18 May 2018

Bittern booming

Bittern booming

The Bittern is still present and was heard on Monday and Wednesday morning in the reed bed area best looked for from Harrier Hide, also in this area today a pair of Cuckoo's seen mating in the reed bed. Also another 2 different Cuckoo's one in the collect

16 May 2018

Red Kite

Red Kite

Bird of the day was a Red Kite seen distantly from Hale Hide, other raptor sightings today include a 2nd cal year Marsh Harrier, a female Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, several Common Buzzard and 4 Kestrel. A breeding plumaged Dunlin is still on the Mere with a

13 May 2018

Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier

A highlight today was the welcome sightings of a Marsh Harrier, there haven't been any reports for 3-4 weeks. Other birds today included 2 Ringed Plover on the Mere along with the usual 4 Little Ringed Plover, also a breeding plumaged Dunlin here. A pair

12 May 2018

White Wagtail

White Wagtail

A White Wagtail on the Mere yesterday morning was the first of the year, and the highlight of an otherwise fairly quiet few days. A single Ruff, at least 3 Little Ringed Plovers, a pair of Oystercatchers, Redshank and several Avocets are also on the Mere.

11 May 2018



A female Cuckoo was seen in the reed bed walk area this morning, then it or another flew past the In Focus shop mid morning. The Common Terns look like they are settling down to breed again this year in the usual area of Woodend Marsh viewable from the U

8 May 2018