Hen Harrier again.

A stunning day warm in the sun but chilly in the hides. Continuing to look good weather wise for the next few days.

Early morning at the start of the Reed Bed Walk.
Early morning at the start of the Reed Bed Walk.

An early morning recce along the Reed Bed Walk produced a nice selection of birds. Opposite the reserve at least 20 Fieldfare along the bush/tree line beyond the derelict house looking east and Corn Bunting just off Marsh Moss Lane.

A Barn Owl was hunting near the Sewage Works and a Chiffchaff was present with Goldcrest in the bushes opposite. Good for Pied and Grey Wagtail as well as Meadow Pipit and plenty of Reed Bunting.

The Reed Bed Walk can be accessed from the overflow car park on the right as if you were leaving the reserve. If you arrive before 8am the car park may not be open and it's worth noting that the car park is locked around 5pm. Waterproof footwear is probably recommended as some parts are  currently muddy.

View from the first platform on the Reed Bed Walk
View from the first platform on the Reed Bed Walk

Another good raptor day with a few sightings of Hen Harrier (ring tail) through the day, mostly distant. Two adult Peregrine again, 2 Marsh Harrier, 3+ Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. Tawny Owl still present and Barn Owls late on.

Waders included 12 Avocet, ~60 Black-tailed Godwit, 50+ Oystercatcher, 1000+ Lapwing, 40+ Ruff.

No specific counts of wildfowl but 200+ Shelduck, 600+ Whooper Swan and 3000+ Pink-footed Geese roosting. Close views of the popular but flawed Ross's Snow Goose in front of the Discovery Hide.

Siskin by the feeder next to the in focus shop. Do call in to in focus (next to the Discovery Hide) if you would like to know the best spots to see any of the birds mentioned in these updates or to report your sightings. We much appreciate your information which helps to make this page happen.

Whooper Swan flying towards the setting Moon


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