Recent Sightings

Still up to 4 Green Sandpipers to be seen on site along with a Common Sandpiper, also a trickle of Dunlin coming through with a count of 5 on Sunday. A juv Little Ringed Plover is still being seen from Ron Barker, also a Ringed Plover today. Snipe are becoming more obvious with a count of 20+ on Sunday and at least 10 today. Also a count of 10 Ruff on Saturday and still small numbers of Black-tailed Godwit present.

At least 2 Marsh Harrier are in the area (juv and 2nd year bird), also a juv Peregrine has been seen on some days and the usual 5+ Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and occasional sightings of Barn Owl from Harrier Hide.

Mistle Thrush can be seen regularly in the overflow car park area at the moment. Still the odd Raven sighting out on the reserve, also 2 Little Egret again today.

Keep an eye out for the beautiful Southern Hawker, often seen basking in the sun on the fence of the collection area.

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