Record Count

Overcast and feeling chilly but not so much as to put of the continuing arrival of Mediterranean Gulls with a record 8 adult breeding plumage birds (4 pairs) on the Mere late afternoon yesterday. Recently birds have been present as early as late morning although the afternoon is more reliable.

Four Med Gulls
Two of the four pairs Med Gulls. Will they stay and breed?

The wildfowl numbers are dropping back although it has been noticeable that potential breeding birds have been  more actively flying around the reserve including Gadwall, Shoveler and Tufted Duck. Still 300+ Whooper Swan and similar numbers of Pink-footed Geese using the reserve.

Tufted Duck having a good hair day.
Tufted Duck having a good hair day.

On the wader front we have 40+ Lapwing, 50+ Oystercatcher still, 8+ Redshank, 20+ Avocet, 50+ Ruff, 8 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Ringed Plover, a few Common Snipe and just off the reserve yesterday 100+ Golden Plover.

more Ruff variation to follow
more Ruff variation to follow

Black-tailed Godwit are difficult to beat in the wader stakes
Black-tailed Godwit are difficult to beat in the wader stakes

The usual raptors with Marsh Harrier, 4+ Common Buzzard, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and a report of Merlin again yesterday. Two Tawny Owls tucked away. The longer days mean sightings of Barn Owl are now getting rarer.

Distant male Sparrowhawk around the Mere.
Distant male Sparrowhawk around the Mere.

Other species seen included Raven and Kingfisher.

As usual if you are visiting for the first time call in at in focus and we can direct you to the best spots, also if you do see anything do call in and we can pass on the info to others visiting and at the end of the day on here!

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