Latest Sightings

Little Egret was  in front of the Kingfisher Hide and showed well.

Little Egret from the Kingfisher Hide (Rob Adderley)
Little Egret from the Kingfisher Hide (Rob Adderley)

Still up to 2 Marsh Harriers being seen, along with several Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. A Barn Owl was seen again from Ron Barker Hide, also the Tawny Owls are still being seen in the usual spot near Kingfisher Hide.

Still excellent numbers of waders around with at least 64 Avocet counted this morning, also still up to 70 Ruff, 20 Black-tailed Godwit and 50 Oystercatcher, 6+ Redshank and lots of displaying Lapwing.

Around 200 Whooper Swan are still to be seen and nearby more winter visitors lingering with 100 Redwing just off site.

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