Spring Buzzards

Plenty of spring activity today and the forecast is looking interesting for the next few days in terms of bringing birds onto/through reserve.

The local Buzzards were joined by at least 20 birds which appeared to be heading North. Three Marsh Harrier today which possibly included migrating birds.

Quite a influx of Chiffchaff with birds calling all around the reserve including a double figure count on the Reed Bed Walk.

More Sand Martin passage today with small groups early and late on.

Waders reported today included 35+ Avocet, 40+ Black-tailed Godwit, 30+ Ruff, 40+ Lapwing, 20+ Oystercatcher, 6+ Redshank and Curlew.

Over 300 Pink-footed Geese on the reserve around midday. Six Whooper Swan late afternoon.

At least 200 Lesser Black-backed Gull passed over the reserve heading inland this morning. Four adult breeding plumage Med Gulls on the Mere late on and a second year bird. A few Common Gull and Herring Gull and a pair of adult Great Black-backed Gull.

Other reports included Little Egret, Raven, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. Peacock Butterfly.



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