Latest sightings

Winds from the East

Winds from the East

As the easterly winds set in and the temperature falls we should see an increase in wildfowl coming out of continental Europe. The other great thing about easterlies at Martin Mere is that the wind won't be blowing through most of the hide windows. Altho

20 November 2018

Bird News

Bird News

No major changes over the past few days, but Peregrines have been showing particularly well this week, and a nice male Merlin has been seen hunting over the fields and perching up on fence posts. Probably best looked for from the United Utilities hide. O

16 November 2018

Some Wildfowl Counts and other birds

Some Wildfowl Counts and other birds

Sunny and clear with a fresh cool wind today. Mostly increasing numbers of wildfowl visiting the reserve bar the Pink-footed Geese which have dropped to 5300. Pochard showing well in front of the Discovery Hide An i

13 November 2018

Short-eared Owl

Short-eared Owl

A brief update. A Short-eared Owl put in an appearance from the Ron Barker Hide this afternoon. Another good raptor day with 6 species seen; Merlin, Peregrine, 5 Marsh Harrier, 4 Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and 3 Kestrel. Two

11 November 2018

Bird News

Bird News

A Green Sandpiper seen from the Ron Barker hide today was the only "new" bird reported today. However very large numbers of birds, particularly wildfowl are present on the reserve. Many of these are showing exceptionally well down to a couple of metres fr

9 November 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Calm but cool and overcast today. No specific counts but we can approximate wildfowl numbers as follows: 600+ Whooper Swan roosting with smaller numbers in during the day. Over 3000 Pink-footed Geese roosting. Locally an adult Greenland White-fronted Goos

8 November 2018

Green-winged Teal

Green-winged Teal

A male Green-winged Teal was reported late afternoon from the Ron Barker Hide amongst Teal, hopefully it will stick around and be seen again over the coming days. The female Goldeneye was back on the Mere again today but no sign of the Scaup from yesterda

6 November 2018



A juv Scaup was a new bird on the Mere, hanging around with the Tufted and Pochard. No sign of the Goldeneye today. Juvenile Scaup on the Mere (Tony Disley)

5 November 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A wildfowl packed Mere as usual with big numbers of Teal, Mallard, Wigeon and Shelduck. Smaller numbers of Shoveler, Pintail, Pochard (34), Tufted Duck, Gadwall (10) and a single female Goldeneye. Whooper Swan numbers continue to increase. Smaller number

4 November 2018

Bird News

Bird News

Bearded Tits, (Bearded Reedlings if you prefer), are still present in the Pat Wisniewski reedbed and have been heard and seen regularly from both the path near the United Utilities hide, and that starting from the Harrier hide. No more than four birds se

2 November 2018

Quick update . .

Quick update . .

At least 2 Bearded Tits still present today but showing intermittently. Also 1 Woodcock and 2 Marsh Harriers. A fuller round up of birds news will be here tomorrow !

1 November 2018

Bearded Tits

Bearded Tits

The Bearded Tits or Bearded Reedlings as they are now to be called are still present with several sightings reported today near the UU Hide, patience is needed and most people are getting flight views only but many good perched photographs coming through

31 October 2018

Bearded Tits

Bearded Tits

The Bearded Tits are still present with at least 10 seen today in a single flock, but quite how many there are altogether is difficult to be sure as they seem to be being seen in many small groups as well. Any counts please report to the In Focus shop by

30 October 2018

Bearded Tits!

Bearded Tits!

Top news today with at least 8 Bearded Tit seen ~150m to the left of the Harrier Hide on the inner Reed Bed Walk. Over the last 20 years we have had a few single observer sightings of birds that have never hung around so we are quite excited by this news!

28 October 2018

400+ Whooper Swan

400+ Whooper Swan

The first blast of arctic air arrived today and the number of Whooper Swan have increased to 420. The northerly airflow should continue to bring new birds in daily at present. A few of the 400+ Whooper Swan recently arriv

26 October 2018