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Kingfishers are busy this morning

Kingfishers are busy this morning

The pair of Kingfishers down at the Kingfisher Hide have been busy this morning excavating their new nest hole

19 March 2022

Avocets on the increase

Avocets on the increase

After a cold and wet day yesterday, the return of sunshine has bought with it more Avocet to add to the reserve count

17 March 2022

Winter's last days

Winter's last days

A chilly grey morning, but with temperatures set to hit the mid-teens in the coming weeks, the last of our winter wildlife is getting ready to go

16 March 2022

Black-headed Gulls on the South Lake breeding islands

Black-headed Gulls on the South Lake breeding islands

A calm and sunny day encouraged our 'soon to be breeding' birds to take up their display and territoriality a notch. Black-headed Gulls covered the South Lake breeding islands on the deep lake and were very vocal. Avocets were sitting down on gravel islan

14 March 2022

Mid March Sunday

Mid March Sunday

Spring migrantsThe male Wheatear was again the fields adjacent to the canal. A Red Kite flew over the car park and Rushy towards the Dumbles.Glossy Ibis Still feeding in the canal and roadside fields.South LakeAdult Mediterranean Gull favouring the North

13 March 2022

A gorgeous sunny Saturday

A gorgeous sunny Saturday

The weather is glorious today and the birds look great in the sunshine. Spring really is arriving and the last of our winter birds are getting ready to leave

12 March 2022

All on the move

All on the move

Lots of evidence of migration today with our first Sand Martins through, Avocet numbers increasing and its looks as though the last of the Bewick's Swans have gone!

11 March 2022

First LRP of the year

First LRP of the year

Another first of the Spring record in the form of a LRP (Little ringed Plover).

7 March 2022

Chiffchaffs appearing

Chiffchaffs appearing

At least five Chiffchaffs were noted on the hide round this morning.

6 March 2022

Our Bewick's Swans remain

Our Bewick's Swans remain

Our remaining flock of 41 Bewick's Swans are still with us today

3 March 2022

Display creeping in

Display creeping in

A number of species are beginning to display and show interest in nest sites

28 February 2022

Wintering bird departures

Wintering bird departures

Off they go!

27 February 2022

Coming to the end

Coming to the end

We've seen the first of our Bewick's Swans leave us in the last week, with just 41 birds remaining this morning

25 February 2022

Between Storm Dudley and Eunice

Between Storm Dudley and Eunice

A calmer day sandwiched between this weeks two storms.

17 February 2022

Windy weather

Windy weather

We're seeing periods of windy stormy weather moving through in the coming days with birds moving around the reserve to find shelter

16 February 2022