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Steady increase in duck numbers.

Steady increase in duck numbers.

Rushy Green Sandpiper 2 Lapwing 16 Snipe 3 Teal 17 Holden Walkway Barnacle Goose 106 Teal 32 Shoveler 4 Gadwall 2 Greylag 278 Crane 1 Black Cap 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 South Lake Greylag 196 Shoveler 41 Teal 18 Tufted Duck 65 Lapwing 69 Ruff 13 Redsh

1 September 2018

Sightings at Slimbridge 31st August

Sightings at Slimbridge 31st August

South Lake 23 Redshank, 20 Ruff, 83 Black-tailed Godwit, Great Crested Grebe with chick, 2 Snipe, 37 Teal Holden Tower Pair Cranes, 2 Peregrine, 182 Barnacle Geese, 40 Greylags on Dumbles Summer Walkway Tree Pipit along hedge, also 5 Yellow Wagtail, 4 Mea

31 August 2018

30 Ruff

30 Ruff

South Lake The juvenile Common Tern still visiting the lake and scrape. On the deep lake the Great Crested Grebe youngster continues to beg for food but should be finding it's own fish now, only one parent seems to be present, perhaps the other has had e

27 August 2018

Birding in the rain

Birding in the rain

Rushy Hide Ruff, 3 Snipe, 7 Avocet and 3 Green Sandpiper on the lower pond. Grey Heron, Little Grebe and 10+ Gadwall on the top pond. Tack Piece Six Black-tailed Godwit and the juvenile Spotted Redshank (see image) popped in a couple of times. 20+ Teal a

26 August 2018

Wood Sand and Spot Red

Wood Sand and Spot Red

Rushy Ruff 1 Avocet 4 Green Sandpiper 3 Lapwing 8 Snipe 3 Wood Sandpiper 1 (10.00) Heron 1 Teal 24 Holden Walkway Greylag 33 Green sandpiper 2 Wood Sandpiper 1 (08.30 Robbie Garnet Hide) Teal 25 Marsh Harrier 1 juv flew through. Yellow Wagtail 2 among ca

25 August 2018

Thursday's sightings

Thursday's sightings

A nice mix of waders continue with most of them on the South Lake this morning including the juvenile Spotted Redshank and Wood Sandpiper.  An Osprey also drifted south over the centre. South Lake Hides The Wood Sandpiper started the day on the Tack Pie

23 August 2018

Tuesday sightings

Tuesday sightings

South Lake Three juvenile Little-ringed Plover, a juvenile Dunlin, 20 Redshank, 10+ Ruff, 2-3 Common Sandpipers, 180 Black-tailed Godwit, 5 Snipe, 1 Barnacle Goose, 2 Egyptian Geese. Holden Tower Three juvenile Whitethroat, 33 Curlew feeding on the Dumbl

21 August 2018

Garganey count

Garganey count

Rushy Hide A juvenile Garganey, 3 juvenile Little-ringed Plover, 5+ Ruff, 8 Green Sandpiper, 4 Avocet, 2 Snipe, 11 Black-tailed Godwits, Redshank, 16 Lapwing and 15 Teal the pick of the birds on the lower pond. A Little Grebe and 25 Gadwall on the top pon

19 August 2018

Two Short Eared Owls

Two Short Eared Owls

Rushy Snipe 1 Ruff 4 Little Ringed Plover 2 Green Sandpiper 2 Wood Sandpiper 1 Avocet 6 Black tailed Godwit 9 Heron 1 Lapwing 5 Teal 7 Grey Wagtail 1 Tack Piece Avocet 2 Teal 9 Black Tailed Godwit 1 Greylag 83 Hybrid Wigeon 1 Holden Tower Two Short Eared

18 August 2018

The Sightings 17/08/2018 - Nuthatch!

The Sightings 17/08/2018 - Nuthatch!

A Nuthatch was seen in the Spinney Wood (near the Zeiss Hide) this morning. Although common in some places, it is a very unusual bird for the site. Zeiss Hide Adult Ringed Plover, 2 juvenile Little-ringed Plover, 2 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Buzzard, 7 Avocet

17 August 2018

Sightings at Slimbridge 15th August 2018

Sightings at Slimbridge 15th August 2018

Discovery Hide 13 Ruff 133 Black Tailed Godwit 18 Redshank Teal Shoveler Gadwall Zeiss Hide 4 Avocet 3 Snipe 2 Yellow Wagtail 1 Little Grebe Rushy 4 Green Sandpiper 3 Redshank 2 Ruff 1 Avocet 2 Shellduck 1 Little Ringed Plover Holden Walkway and Estuary 2

15 August 2018

Bittern on the Wild safari

Bittern on the Wild safari

Rushy Hide Little ringed Plover,  8 Green Sandpiper, 3 Ruff (1 adult), 3 Snipe and 4 Avocet on the lower pond. The juvenile Marsh Harrier rested on the willows for a time this morning. Tack Piece 15 Teal, 31 Black-headed Gull and 43 Greylag this morning.

14 August 2018

Spotted a Redshank

Spotted a Redshank

Rushy Hide Two juvenile Little-ringed Plover, 8+ Green Sandpiper, 1 Redshank, 2 Ruff (adult and juvenile), 5 Avocet, 12 Lapwing, 3 Snipe, 20 Teal and 10 Gadwall. Tack Piece 40 Black-tailed Godwit, 20 Teal and a Green Sandpiper. Holden Tower Two Lesser Wh

13 August 2018

Shortie, Swifts and a WeBS count

Shortie, Swifts and a WeBS count

Middle Point/Dumbles A large high tide this morning forced nearly all birds onto the Dumbles or scrapes. A Short-eared Owl was seen from the new viewing platform in the Middle Point area, happily roosting undisturbed in the long grass. Other highlights i

12 August 2018

The rain held off, just

The rain held off, just

Its been a pleasant day today with the rain not arriving until 4pm as forecast thankfully at the end of the Wild Safari.  Species seen on today's trip including 2 Hobby, a Common Tern, several Little Egret and Swifts, distant views of the Short-eared Owl

11 August 2018