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Latest sightings

Making hay whilst the sun shines

Making hay whilst the sun shines

The farmers all around have been busy making the most of the dry weather, cutting fields and bailing hay as fast as they can

25 August 2023

Look out for juveniles

Look out for juveniles

It's that time of the year when juvenile birds are appearing across the reserve and estuary

24 August 2023

Four Spoonbills on estuary

Four Spoonbills on estuary

Four Spoonbill were on the estuary this morning, two showing very well from Middle Point

23 August 2023

Common Scoter on the Severn

Common Scoter on the Severn

A first summer male Common Scoter was on the Severn late morning.Middle PointThree Spoonbills, four Sanderling, 2 Little Stint, 353 Ringed Plover, 27 Dunlin, adult Turnstone, 3 Knot and Whimbrel among the Curlew. The Grey Partridge was seen again. Knott

22 August 2023

Four Marsh Harriers

Four Marsh Harriers

At least four Marsh Harriers are on site today, possibly five individuals. The fields to the North of the centre seem to be the favoured spot but they range about the reserve and can be encountered anywhere about the site. We had fairly close views of fou

21 August 2023

WeBS Count highlights

WeBS Count highlights

The August Wetland Birds Survey (WeBS) Count.

20 August 2023

Spoonbills everywhere!

Spoonbills everywhere!

Lots of great birds finding shelter or food in our carefully managed habitats

17 August 2023

A dozen Cattle Egrets

A dozen Cattle Egrets

South LakeVery attractive to the egrets today, probably due to the high winds, at least 12 Cattle Egrets present with a juvenile among them. Hobby, 5 Green Sandpiper, 150+ Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Ruff including a juvenile, a few Redshank, flocks of Teal, S

14 August 2023

Little Tern on the Severn

Little Tern on the Severn

An adult Little Tern spent the morning fishing off Middle Point in the channel and over the mudflats, it could go missing for periods as it ranged widely but kept returning. Other species recorded off Middle Point on the Severn mud and sands included the

13 August 2023

Pectoral Sandpiper

Pectoral Sandpiper

A Pectoral Sandpiper was discovered among the Lapwing on South Lake this morning, it was still present at 1.30pm despite flushing when a juvenile Sparrowhawk passed over a couple of times. It can be seen from both the Hogarth Hide or Discovery but may be

10 August 2023

Do we only have one Avocet left on the reserve?

Do we only have one Avocet left on the reserve?

The Avocets seem to have departed

7 August 2023

Grey Partridge on the Dumbles

Grey Partridge on the Dumbles

A summer surprise today came in the form of a Grey Partridge, this bird was on the Dumbles close to Middle Point, it was in the long grass and best viewable from the wheelchair accessible viewing platform on the sea wall. It is likely to be from re-establ

6 August 2023

Bittern continues to show well

Bittern continues to show well

The Bittern continues to show well from the Zeiss Hide this morning, with a nice supporting cast

1 August 2023

Arctic Terns on estuary

Arctic Terns on estuary

A small flock of five Arctic Terns were settled on the estuary this morning

28 July 2023

Lift off!

Lift off!

Our Crane chick on the South Lake became a fledged juvenile today, taking its first flight with parents out of the area

27 July 2023