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Welney news

Pond dipping

Pond dipping

Caddisfly case by Bob Ellis Pond dipping season is almost over at WWT Welney.  Just a few weekends left to have a go at exploring the underwater habitat before the swan feeds start. There are still some amazing thing

2 October 2015

Management works

Management works

Reserve management works taking place in front of the main hide, Lyle hide and Nelson-Lyle hide today may cause disturbance. Friends hide, reedbed hide, dragonfly ponds and summer walk will be disturbance free! Yesterday a kingfisher was fishing by Lyle h

9 September 2015

Leaf cutter bees

Leaf cutter bees

Leaf cutter bee by Georgette Taylor An eagle-eyed family have spotted some leaf cutter bees on the reserve. They actually visited the centre to spot the rare ruderal bumblebee but instead were captivated watching thes

19 August 2015

Rare breed sheep help wetland birds

Rare breed sheep help wetland birds

Manx ram and herd by Nigel Cooke A herd of 87 Manx Loaghtan sheep have joined the cattle on the reserve at WWT Welney Wetland Centre to help with the conservation grazing. Manx Loaghtan (pronounced Lochtan) have an un

18 August 2015

Rare bumblebee spotted on wildflowers

Rare bumblebee spotted on wildflowers

Ruderal bumblebee by Georgette Taylor Visitors to Norfolk and Cambridgeshire can see Ruderal bumblebees on the reserve at WWT Welney Wetland Centre this summer – a species which is scarce in the UK. These busy bees

4 August 2015

Visitors explore new wildlife film room

Visitors explore new wildlife film room

Family on green screen by Adam Finch During the summer holidays the wildlife film room will be available on Wednesdays and weekends, between 1-4pm. A new installation at WWT Welney Wetland Centre will allow visitors t

29 July 2015

New art gallery

New art gallery

Nature in Action, Swan in flight, panned Tony Mills Photography artist, Tony Mills, will be displaying his work in the gallery at WWT Welney throughout July & August.  A selection of mounted and framed pictures,

1 July 2015

Calf sports unusual Minnie marking

Calf sports unusual Minnie marking

Minnie the calf by Bob Ellis A calf with unusual markings has arrived on the reserve at WWT Welney Wetland Centre, earning her the nickname ‘Minnie’. Her distinctive white forehead would normally be unusual enough

17 June 2015

Films engage people with local wildlife

Films engage people with local wildlife

Moth by Bob Ellis Communities around the Ouse Washes Landscape can take pride in a series of short films created by the Great Ouse Wetland Project. A myriad of moths and fantastic Fenland hares are featured in the fir

28 May 2015

Birds nest in tractor engine

Birds nest in tractor engine

Chick in nest by Adam Finch UPDATE - The chicks fledged successfully on Thursday 28 May 2015! A tractor engine might not be your first choice when thinking of a place to raise a family. However, a pair of birds at WWT

27 May 2015

Volunteers given chance to film macro wildlife

Volunteers given chance to film macro wildlife

Volunteer filming a hawkmoth Volunteers involved with the Great Ouse Wetland project are about to share the secret lives of some of the smallest species of wildlife we have in the UK. Voracious water beetles, delicate

13 May 2015

Charity cyclist makes it to WWT Welney

Charity cyclist makes it to WWT Welney

Biking Birder with Staff at WWT Welney by Adam Finch The Biking Birder visited WWT Welney Wetland Centre at the end of April as part of his UK tour to break a British record and raise money for charity. The Biking Bir

12 May 2015

New wetland gets thumbs up from people and wildlife

New wetland gets thumbs up from people and wildlife

Visitors enjoying the view from the veranda by Adam Finch Wildlife enthusiasts and families visiting the East of England this winter took advantage of the new wetlands created at WWT Welney Wetland Centre. Over 550 pe

5 May 2015

Shop stocktake

Shop stocktake

The gift shop will close at 2pm today, Tues 5 May for stock take & will reopen again no later than Thurs 7 May 2015.  Admissions to the centre and reserve are not affected by this. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

5 May 2015

New group discount - doubled to 15%

New group discount - doubled to 15%

Guided walk From 1 April 2015, visiting WWT Welney Wetland Centre with your local group has become even better value.  We have doubled the discount offered to groups to 15%, making prices lower than in 2014. WWT Weln

21 April 2015