Latest sightings

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag Canada goose Mallard Shoveler Shelduck Wigeon Teal Moorhen Crane (x4) Little egret Redshank Black-tailed godwit Ruff Snipe Avocet Green sandpiper Greenshank Lapwing Black-headed gull Goldfinch Tree sparrow House sparrow Yell

2 September 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Grey heron Little egret Great white egret Ruff Little ringed plover Cetti's warbler Goldfinch Tree sparrow Snipe Greylag geese Redshank Buzzard

1 September 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Grey heron Tree sparrow and juvs Goldfinch Moorhen and juvs Ruff x 15 Snipe x 4 Black-tailed godwit Green sandpiper x 2 Whooper swan Bewick's swan Greylag geese Canada geese Garganey-Main obs Mallard Teal Shoveler Little egret Kestrel Marsh harrier Buzzar

31 August 2017

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Whooper swan Mallard Moorhen Grey heron Goldfinch Tree sparrow House sparrow Blue tit Great tit Robin House sparrow Wood pigeon

30 August 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Garganey-main observatory Snipe Tree sparrow Little egret Green sandpiper Common sandpiper Swallow House martin Black-tailed godwit Ruff Little ringed plover Yellow wagtail Marsh harrier Whooper swan Greylag Shelduck Hobby Mute swan Goldfinch House sparro

28 August 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Little ringed plover Moorhen Black tailed godwit~ Little egret Pied wagtail Sedge warbler Cetti's warbler Swallow House martin Robin Wren Teal Kestrel Snipe(10) Goldfinch Common sandpiper Tree sparrow Starling Chaffinch

26 August 2017

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag goose Mallard Shoveler Teal Garganey Wigeon Gadwall Shelduck Moorhen Coot Grey heron Curlew Little egret Black-tailed godwit Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Ruff Snipe Little ringed plover Lapwing Herring gull Black-headed

25 August 2017

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag goose Canada goose Moorhen Mallard Shoveler Shelduck Teal Moorhen Grey heron Little egret Snipe Black-tailed godwit Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Kingfisher Reed warbler Yellow wagtail Pied wagtail Tree sparrow House spar

24 August 2017

Goat moth caterpillars

Goat moth caterpillars

Goat moth caterpillar This month there have been lots of reports of goat moth caterpillar sightings around the reserve.  Goat moths are a scarce species in the UK and have been in decline since at least the 1960's. H

24 August 2017

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag goose Mallard Teal Moorhen Cormorant Little egret Grey heron Black-tailed godwit Green sandpiper Tree sparrow House sparrow Goldfinch Pied wagtail Robin House martin Swallow Hobby Marsh harrier Buzzard Kestrel Sharp-tailed b

23 August 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Little Egret Buzzard Swallow House Martin Marsh Harrier Tree Sparrow House Sparrow Ruff Goldfinch Mallard Snipe Yellow Wagtail Peregrine Sparrowhawk Green Sandpiper Whooper Swan Green Woodpecker Cormorant Kestrel Black-tailed Godwit Teal Shelduck Shoveler

21 August 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Green Sandpiper Kingfisher Snipe Marsh Harrier Peregrine Hobby Little Grebe Mallard Shelduck Sparrowhawk Redshank Ruff Tree Sparrow House Sparrow Swallow House Martin Whooper Swan Pied Wagtail Yellow Wagtail Starling Chaffinch

20 August 2017

Centre Access

Centre Access

Access to the centre is now fine. All roads are back open however the roads may still have signs saying they are closed, you can go past these signs.

19 August 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Whooper swan Greylag goose Mallard Shoveler Shelduck Gadwall Teal Garganey Moorhen Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Black-tailed godwit Snipe Little ringed plover Ringed plover Little egret Lapwing Black-headed gull Kingfisher House sparrow Tree sparrow G

19 August 2017

Access to the centre

Access to the centre

The Ten Mile Bank road to the centre is currently closed due to a burst water pipe. Access to the centre is via the Littleport Road, please go past the road closed sign on Suspension Bridge.

19 August 2017