
Oystercatcher nests near new Coastal Creek aviary

Oystercatcher nests near new Coastal Creek aviary

There’s lots of amazing water birds to see inside the new Coastal Creek aviary but one wader species is attracting attention on the little pond just outside. The indomitable oystercatcher pair are back this year, nesting on the island opposite the ne

10 May 2021

Cuckoo calling in the reedbed

Cuckoo calling in the reedbed

On Tuesday our Wardens heard a cuckoo calling from the back of reedbed along the Mill stream. Our boat drivers saw a cuckoo on the Wetland Discovery area at the end of the day. The cold and dry weather is impacting some wildlife onsite, especially lapwing

5 May 2021

Warblers singing & kingfishers still on nest

Warblers singing & kingfishers still on nest

The kingfisher pair are still nesting in the bank on Arundel Riverlife lagoon. Last Friday our wardens spotted the female kingfisher on the perch to the left side of the nesting bank for a few moments before the male kingfisher emerged from hole #5 and jo

29 April 2021

Wildlife spotting this April at Arundel

Wildlife spotting this April at Arundel

Our wildlife hides are currently closed but there are many ways and places to experience wildlife this spring at Arundel Wetland Centre.

19 April 2021

Sand martins have returned

Sand martins have returned

On Monday 5 April six sand martins were checking out the holes in the Sand martin hide nesting banks. House martins and a sprinkling of swallows have also started moving through the reserve. A pair of oystercatchers have nested on top of the hide and anot

8 April 2021

Take a Peek at Pelican Cove

Take a Peek at Pelican Cove

Meet the Dalmatian pelican - the largest and rarest of the pelican species with a wingspan up to 11 feet! Brand new to Arundel Wetland Centre these big birds are in the brand new Pelican Cove exhibit opening this April! Dalmatian pelicans were a famili

30 March 2021

Spring mallard ducklings hatching out

Spring mallard ducklings hatching out

Wardens spotted our first spring clutch of ten mallard ducklings swimming around the edge of the Arun Riverlife lagoon following their mother last Sunday. The kingfishers are still at the nesting bank here especially in holes 10 and 8! Arun Riverlife seem

30 March 2021

Kingfishers return to nest at Arun Riverlife lagoon

Kingfishers return to nest at Arun Riverlife lagoon

The kingfishers are back at the nesting bank on Arun Riverlife lagoon, opposite the Discovery hide.

25 March 2021

Kingerfisher pair persisting at nesting bank

Kingerfisher pair persisting at nesting bank

The kingfisher pair continue to perch around and enter a hole in the nesting bank on Arun Riverlife lagoon. We have daily sightings of the pair in and outside of a nest hole. Lapwing are also displaying on the lagoon with a pair mating and nest scraping

14 March 2021

Male lapwing display includes dive bombing gulls

Male lapwing display includes dive bombing gulls

The number of lapwings on the wet grassland has increased and we are seeing the males tumbling display flights and hearing their ‘slide-whistle’ calls. At Arun Riverlife lagoon two lapwing were dive bombing black-headed gulls that also look for nestin

6 March 2021

Kingfisher pair trying out our nesting bank

Kingfisher pair trying out our nesting bank

We’ve got high hopes that a pair of kingfishers will settle down in our specially designed kingfisher nesting bank on the Arun Riverlife lagoon this year. We have been seeing our favourite fishing birds going into nesting holes.

28 February 2021

Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air

Spring is definitely springing, with the sound of great and blue tits, robins, blackbirds, chaffinch, greenfinch and Cetti’s warbler all singing madly. Dunnocks too, whilst displaying in their semaphore-like way! This long-tailed tit with nesting materi

24 February 2021

Winter survey count includes 14 Bewick's swans

Winter survey count includes 14 Bewick's swans

The Wetland bird survey (WeBS) monitors the UK's internationally important non-breeding waterbirds. We count once per month, providing data for population and trends in abundance and distribution. Surveying inside our boundries we also survey the surround

16 February 2021

Love birds? Its National Nest Box week!

Love birds? Its National Nest Box week!

Love birds? National Nest Box week begins on Valentines Day, Sun 14 Feb. Show garden birds some love by putting up a new nest box in any outdoor space you have! If you already have nest boxes it’s time to give them a spring clean. Attracting birds to yo

14 February 2021

Wintery weather with some spring behaviours

Wintery weather with some spring behaviours

It’s been very wintery week with snow and very low temperatures on the reserve, especially last Monday. The cold has brought many birds to the feeders in the Wood Loop especially now that other sources of food are running low. Nonetheless subtle spring

11 February 2021