Cattle Egret

A Cattle Egret was with cattle in the field to the right of Ron Baker Hide this afternoon, also a few Little Egret around.

A juvenile Peregrine was seen a few times along with 1 or 2 Marsh Harrier. Merlin has been seen in recent days.

Male Stonechat from Ron Barker as well as Kingfisher.

A good count of 130 Ruff on the Mere yesterday, also 1 or 2 Redshank still around and small numbers of Black-tailed Godwit. An adult Mediterranean Gull was in front of Harrier Hide yesterday.

Good numbers of Herring Gulls in the area still with at least 400 on the Mere in the afternoon. An adult Caspian Gull was reported on the 17 December just off site, if anyone knows any more on this bird  especially if you have any photographs please call in to the In Focus shop?

Just off site along Marsh Moss Lane this afternoon a Water Pipit was seen in the 'boggy field' also here a Mediterranean Gull. The pipit is a real rarity here and the reserve has had no records of this species for over 20 years.

Good visibility for the Moon this afternoon.


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