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Latest Sightings

So far this week we have seen some lovely birds and mammals on the public footpath including pairs of Bullfinch, lots of Cetti's Warbler, and Corn Bunting. Roe Deer and Hares have been popping in all over the reserve as well as the public footpath and Willow Warbler and Chiff Chaff are singing across the reserve and grounds. In terms of Birds of Prey, we've been revisited by the Hen Harriers, Merlin, Buzzard, Kestrel, and of course, Marsh Harriers - all can be seen flying across and circling the entire reserve. There are lots of Stonechat out in the far fields that look to be nesting and we saw a beautiful Wheatear sitting on the fence at Langleys. The Lapwings have built their nests out in Ashtons and some eggs have been seen! Speaking of eggs, we checked our Tawny Owl boxes and the one up towards Ron-Barker and Kingfisher hides has not only a nest but two eggs and a hatched chick! Our feature image today is of this box, taken by Jack Grimsditch, and in it are all the mice the mother has collected for her little family.

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