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Latest Sightings

This weeks warm weather has seen pink-footed geese arriving in their hundreds, which can be seen especially well at Woodend Marsh, along with a bittern and 6 pintails.

At Plover field, the hobby has been showing, and 7 yellow wagtails and jack snipe have also been spotted.

The resident cattle egret can be seen from Ron Barker hide, and a whinchat was sighted earlier this week.

Other highlights include stock dove, 45 snipe, and 14 green sandpipers.

North West Bird Watching Festival

Join us on the 14 & 15 October for the annual North West Bird Watching Festival. Celebrate the thousands of migratory wild birds that visit the centre over the autumn and winter period. With well-known guest speakers such as Ben Osborne, Lucy Lapwing, and David Goulson, plenty of exhibitors, and a weekend full of birding activities, this is an event not to be missed.

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