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Latest Sightings

It has been a busy week at Martin Mere, with the highlights being the arrival of two great white egrets. These can be seen in our wet grassland and are best seen from either United Utilities hide or Ron Barker hide. The the great white egret it is now possible to see all 3 egret species with little egret frequenting the pool outside of Hale hide and the flock of cattle egrets amongst our herd of cattle which can be seen from United Utilities or Ron Barker.

Our reserve team has recently replaced the feeders at Janet Kear hide. The usual blue tit, great tit, goldfinch and chaffinch can be seen on the feeders alongside greater spotted woodpecker which was seen on the feeders on Friday.

There has also been a lot of activity on site with the usual raptor activity on site. The marsh harriers are ever present and one of our reserve students was out after closing time and observed 10 individuals circling over the reedbed at once before dropping into their roost from Harrier hide. Marsh harrier can be seen from all of our hides during the day. A female hen harrier has also been seen regularly from Ron Barker in addition to sparrowhawk, barn owl and short eared owl.

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