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Latest sightings

Its been a nice weekend, the first cuckoo of the year was seen and heard on Sunday calling in the reedbed. 7 singing grasshopper warblers now across the reserve. A few Swifts screaming over the reedbed too.

We have 2 pairs of bullfinches on site one on the public footpaths and one pair in the captive collection next to the spoonbills!

We still have black-tailed godwits, green sandpipers, common sandpipers, little ringed plovers, ringed plovers,dunlin, oystercatchers and lapwing. Plenty of lapwing chicks enjoying the warm weather. We have a pair of oystercatchers nesting in the Chilean flamingo pen which are now sitting tight and let us pass to feed the ducks with only lifting off the eggs for a few seconds before settling back down again.

The sparrowhawk's are being seen daily along with marsh harriers, buzzards, peregrine, little owl (first time it's bred onsite) tawny owl, barn owl and kestrels.

The grounds, the nature reserve and all hides and paths are closed at WWT Martin Mere, following government guidance on Covid-19. A small team of essential staff is working on site looking after the animals and completing essential tasks on the reserve. Please do not attempt to visit the site as you will be putting our staff and yourself at risk.

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