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Latest sightings

Another glorious week of weather, multiple cuckoos onsite including females bubbling calls in the reedbed. We have over 20 swallow nests around the buildings and barns.

The black-headed gull nests have started to hatch so there are lots of cute chicks on the mere.

We checked the barn owl boxes and 3 have nests in, hopefully we will have a great year like 2019 (8 chicks fledged)

The great-crested grebes have nested on the reedbed right infront of the harrier hide in the middle of the water we should have some cute humbug chicks soon.

More avocets have nested and there are now 21 avocet nests on the mere.

The grounds, the nature reserve and all hides and paths are closed at WWT Martin Mere, following government guidance on Covid-19. A small team of essential staff is working on site looking after the animals and completing essential tasks on the reserve. Please do not attempt to visit the site as you will be putting our staff and yourself at risk.

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