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The wildflower bed by the Ron Barker hide looks amazing this year it is full of margoram which smells fantastic, and field scabious. By the duckery large areas of mint are growing along the path. By the discovery hide the fresh water mint is in flower. The devil's bit scabious at harrier hide and Ron Barker is in bud and hopefully will bloom soon.

This week's butterfly survey was a busy one again with common blues, large whites, small whites, gatekeepers, meadow browns, red admirals and peacocks.

Still plenty of waders on woodend marsh, the mere and Ron Barker hide including 1000 black-tailed godwits, common sandpipers, green sandpipers, wood sandpipers, dunlin, ruff, snow and lapwing.

Lots of birds of prey around today we had great views of a peregrine trying to hunt the waders which caused them all to fly up and swirl around the mere, also 4 marsh harriers, buzzard, kestrel and sparrowhawk. Hobby and Merlin have also been sighted this week.

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