
A great time to see Mediterranean Gulls at the Mere, we are getting many birds passing through daily at the moment, with at least 7 birds (2 pairs, a single adult, 2nd cal year, 3rd cal year) present today including an apparent Polish ringed bird (awaiting details). A single adult has been present over the last 3-4 days on the island in front of In Focus/Discovery Hide affording excellent views and photo opportunities, while it attempts to find a mate, though so far it just keeps getting chased off by the Black-headed Gulls

Adult Mediterranean Gull on close island in front of In Focus/Discovery Hide (T. Disley)

Other sightings today include a 2nd cal year Marsh Harrier also several Common Buzzard and a few Kestrel and at least 1 Sparrowhawk.

A few sightings of Swallows migrating through as well as a trickle of Sand Martins heading north. Otherwise very few sightings recieved today.


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