Survival and dispersal in a new Barnacle Goose population 87
©Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
(2013) 63: 72–89
The study presented here undoubtedly
has its shortcomings, and is still of limited
duration. However, the sharp drop in
survival with time, most probably caused by
the rapidly increasing summer hunt, as well
as the relatively large proportion of long-
distance dispersers, backed-up by the
observations of Dutch-hatched birds
observed breeding both at Kolokolkova
Bay and on Kolguev Island, are clear results
that are important to our understanding of
this newly-founded population and the
impact of management measures. During
the coming years, monitoring, including
ringing of new birds at old and new
localities, will be continued to document the
dynamics of this population in further
The monitoring, catching and marking of
Barnacle Geese in the Delta area and in
Fryslân was generously supported by the
Faunafonds over the years. Staatsbosbeheer
and It Fryske Gea granted us permission to
work in their reserves and provided logistic
support and were always eager to help
during catching operations. About 30
different people assisted during catching
operations and other monitoring tasks.
Almost 300 volunteer ring readers
contributed their observations of marked
Barnacle Geese belonging to the Dutch
population. Eileen Rees, Mark Trinder, Silke
Bauer and an anonymous referee
commented on an earlier version of the
manuscript, and helped improve it
considerably. This is Publication 5515 of the
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