Latest sightings

Nesting lapwing pair a sign of Spring

Nesting lapwing pair a sign of Spring

Lapwing in flight over wet grassland at Lapwing hide. By Ken Turner Recent sightings On Wetlands Discovery Barn Owl in large owl box on pole in Wetland Discovery (6.30 am) Fewer owl pellets in the hides Kingfisher Wa

27 March 2018

A snow-stalled spring is back in full swing

A snow-stalled spring is back in full swing

  Long tailed tit with nesting material by Romney Turner Long-tailed tit nest under construction, made from moss and spiderwebs covered in lichen.   Last weeks snow fall slo

22 March 2018

Cacophony of spring singing

Cacophony of spring singing

Long tailed tit hangs around for handy seed snack. Photo: Romney Turner   Recent Sightings Sunday Buzzards displaying on Offham Hangar: they fly high then fold wings and plummet then fly up again. The male chased

12 March 2018

Singing, displaying & nest scraping start

Singing, displaying & nest scraping start

Treecreeper sightings have increased in the wooded areas. Photo: Romney Turner March 1, 2018 The lapwing males are doing display flights over the Wet Grasslands area. Three sets of lapwing pairs seen on the wet grassl

6 March 2018

Dunlin drops in

Dunlin drops in

Dunlin dropped into Arundel Wetland Centre on Thurs 1 March. The cold weather brought a Dunlin to Arundel Wetland Centre. It was feeding right in front of the gallery windows. The dunlin is an unusual visitor to Arund

2 March 2018

Big freeze hits the Arun Valley

Big freeze hits the Arun Valley

Despite cold temps teal and other ducks are pairing up for spring   Snow clouds over Arundel Wetland Centre Recent highlights: Increase in shoveler onsite as Arun Valley fre

26 February 2018

Great crested grebe & toad migration

Great crested grebe & toad migration

Great crested grebe on Arun Riverlife lagoon since last Saturday On Monday and Tuesday evening the warm and damp weather started the annual mass migration of toads to breeding ponds. Reserve Manager Paul Stevens and t

22 February 2018

Lapwings arriving to stake nesting territory

Lapwings arriving to stake nesting territory

Snipe in late afternoon at Ramsar hide by Romney Turner Lapwing flocks in the Arun Valley are breaking up and these waders are heading off for their nesting grounds, like the wet grasslands at Arundel Wetland Centre.

5 February 2018

Great egret, hawfinches and 18 lapwing

Great egret, hawfinches and 18 lapwing

Male bullfinch by Jamie MacCallum shot Saturday morning during Golden Hour Early Opening event Highlights: Wednesday roost - 17 little egrets came into roost between 4.15 5pm near Ramsar hide along with 2 grey herons

29 January 2018

Great egret, whistling wigeon & a sparrowhawk close encounter

Great egret, whistling wigeon & a sparrowhawk close encounter

Fabulous firecrest causing excitment around the reserve. Pic from Romney Turner Wildlife Sightings blog by Paul Stevens, Reserve Manager at Arundl Wetland Centre Last Sunday’s bright sunshine had robins, tits and mi

15 January 2018

What's Wild this weekend Jan 13-14

What's Wild this weekend Jan 13-14

This goldcrest was captured while preening by Romney Turner Woodland Loop great spotted woodpecker goldfinch blue tits coal tits great tits chaffinch hawfinch Lost Reedbed marsh harrier (roost) Reedbeds Water rai

14 January 2018

Singing mistle thrush & displaying teal

Singing mistle thrush & displaying teal

Goldcrest at Arundel Wetland Centre by Jamie MacCallum THE WINTER solstice is a few weeks past and optimistic mistle thrush, robins and dunnocks have begun singing in response to the slight increase in daylight. Grant

2 January 2018

Bullfinches, kingfishers & snipe showing in the cold

Bullfinches, kingfishers & snipe showing in the cold

kingfisher on Dec 16 photographed by Alec Pelling. I’m sitting in our staff tea room watching the bird feeders while compiling my wildlife sightings list. Lots of blue and great tits, a few long-tailed tits and a go

18 December 2017

Jack snipe, hawfinches & more birds of prey

Jack snipe, hawfinches & more birds of prey

Redwing eating Berries photographed by Romney Turner We put a new roof on our Ramsar hide last week. The activity moved the kingfishers on from fishing near the hide, one of their favourite spots onsite. Instead our b

2 December 2017

Great egret, marsh harriers & hungry bats

Great egret, marsh harriers & hungry bats

A redpoll on seed head photo by Romney Turner Reserve warden Linda Magyar spotted a great egret that dropped into the reserve near the Ramsar hide mid-morning on Monday. The great egret was reported at Pagham Harbour

21 November 2017