Caerlaverock news

Sandpipers and godwits

Sandpipers and godwits

Our latest sightings are 3 x green sandpipers and 3 x black-tailed godwits.

19 August 2021

Visits from migrating waders

Visits from migrating waders

We have had brilliant wader sightings this week: 1 wood sandpiper, 6 x black-tailed godwits, 3 x spotted redshank, and 3 x green sandpipers.

11 August 2021

Heading into August

Heading into August

It has been another dry week here and the low water levels in the ponds have been particularly great for viewing snipe feeding on the folly pond.

4 August 2021

Hares are Abound

Hares are Abound

Hares are being seen more regularly in the fields now they have been mown and the leverets have grown. Wader numbers are definitely increasing with 30 snipe, 82 curlew and 20 lapwing being peak numbers we have recorded this week and a wood sandpiper dropp

27 July 2021

Waders are trickling through

Waders are trickling through

We had a visit from a stunning wood sandpiper this last week and although he only stayed for a day it is often a sign of the start of the autumn migration with failed breeding birds moving back to their wintering grounds. We have had increased sightings o

19 July 2021

Scarce Damselfly Found in Good Numbers

Scarce Damselfly Found in Good Numbers

11 male and 1 female banded demoiselles have been seen on the Lochar river bank this week. They are a scarce breeder in Scotland only being recorded in a handful of sites in Dumfries and Galloway and before this year we had only had the occasional sightin

12 July 2021

House Martin Extension

House Martin Extension

Well it has been a strange year for our hirundines (swallows and martins), the cold weather in May on the continent and in the UK held up a lot of birds from arriving at their breeding grounds. In 2019 we had over 30 nests on our Farmhouse Tower whereas t

5 July 2021

The Summer Meadow is Blooming

The Summer Meadow is Blooming

The summer meadow is really starting to show itself well now summer has arrived. The twayblade orchid can be seen alongside the northern marsh and the spotted orchid. We have also spotted yellow rattle, tufted vetch, red campion, silver weed, bird's-foot

28 June 2021

Bug Hunting

Bug Hunting

This week has all been about the emergence of insects so bug hunters big and small please come and see what you can discover there is no upper age limit to bug hunting or pond dipping! To add to our butterfly list of last week we have had red admirals and

8 June 2021

Damselflies a Plenty

Damselflies a Plenty

The sun has definitely come out now and brought the insects out with it. The damselflies are now out in force with blue-tailed, azure and large red being seen in large numbers and four-spotted chasers are also on the wing. From a butterfly point of view w

31 May 2021

Spoonbill Visit

Spoonbill Visit

Our highlight of the week has been a visit from a spoonbill on to the floodground. It is amazing watching them use their 'spoon' to feed. We have also had a pochard appear briefly and we currently have some redpolls on our feeders. Signs of breeding is we

23 May 2021

Watery Awakenings

Watery Awakenings

All winter, strange creatures have been hibernating at the bottom of the pond. In spring, the pond is starting to awaken...

22 May 2021

The Orange-tip and the Lady's Smock

The Orange-tip and the Lady's Smock

One of the first butterflies to herald spring is the Orange-tip butterfly. Their story is intertwined with that of the Ladies Smock or Cuckoo flower...

21 May 2021

Can You Spot the Spotted Flycatcher

Can You Spot the Spotted Flycatcher

We have had a spotted flycatcher being spotted along the Peter Scott Trail for the last few days and whitethroats have been seen down at Saltcot to add to our increasing tally of summer migrants. The grasshopper warbler is still singing well although the

9 May 2021

The Sounds of Birdsong to Lift Your Mood

The Sounds of Birdsong to Lift Your Mood

The sounds of the warblers singing is very impressive following an influx over the last couple of weeks. On the reserve we now have chiff chaff, willow warbler, sedge warbler, blackcap, whitethroat and grasshopper warbler. Grasshopper warbler aren't commo

2 May 2021