Caerlaverock news

Reserve Update Friday 5th October - Otterly brilliant morning!

Reserve Update Friday 5th October - Otterly brilliant morning!

Well things certainly livened up on Whooper Pond again this morning.  The slight drop in temperature encouraged some of the elusive Whooper Swans to remain on the pond with new leg rings being recorded.  The Mute Swan pair were not entirely happy about

5 October 2018

Reserve Update Thursday 4th October

Reserve Update Thursday 4th October

Lovely flock of over fifty Curlew busy feeding out in the Meadow next to Whooper Pond this morning.  They were a bit jumpy due to the regular fly-pasts of a kestrel.  The best place to see the Barnacle Geese this morning is down at Avenue Tower, around

4 October 2018

Reserve update Wednesday 3rd October - Hen harrier and Peregrine

Reserve update Wednesday 3rd October - Hen harrier and Peregrine

The Barnacle Geese seem to be enjoying the fields around the reserve with good views to be had from Silver and Gold hide this morning.  One of the hybrid Geese was present in the flock.  It was a good morning for raptor sightings down at Saltcot Merse w

3 October 2018

Latest sightings - Monday 1st October - Fantastic Mr. Fox

Latest sightings - Monday 1st October - Fantastic Mr. Fox

A crisp morning kicking off the first of the month.  It has been a good morning for mammals with clear views of Roe deer from the Peter Scott Obs and a fox sneaking around the Lochar Field. More barnacle geese in over the weekend with good views of aroun

1 October 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 29th September - Barnie influx

Latest Sightings - Saturday 29th September - Barnie influx

Over 5,000 Barnacle Geese are now on the reserve, with an influx overnight. Whooper Swans are still in the area, but are spending little time on the reserve. They have been dropping in briefly on the Whooper Pond and Flood Ground. Wigeon and Teal numbers

29 September 2018

Latest Sightings - Friday September 28th - Whoop Whoop! The Whoopers are back!

Latest Sightings - Friday September 28th - Whoop Whoop! The Whoopers are back!

It's a crisp and sunny day on the reserve and we have great news - Whoopers are coming in! 16 Whooper swans have been spotted on the Whooper Pond this morning and making a lot of noise. The barnacle geese are also settling in with flocks settling across t

28 September 2018

Latest Sightings - Thursday 27th September - Geese and Dragonflies galore

Latest Sightings - Thursday 27th September - Geese and Dragonflies galore

Plenty of geese on the reserve this morning, great views from the Peter Scott Observatory. At the Avenue Tower there are good numbers of Common Darter and Common Hawker Dragonflies out in the sunshine! A male Goshawk was causing trouble around the Flood G

27 September 2018

Latest Sightings - Tuesday 25th September - no sign of the Bittern so far

Latest Sightings - Tuesday 25th September - no sign of the Bittern so far

There are plenty of geese around the reserve this morning. Pink-footed Geese flying everywhere, some still out on the mud. Barnacle Geese can be seen from the Saltcot Merse Observatory around the trig point. No sign of the Bittern as yet this morning, and

25 September 2018

Reserve update, Monday Sept 24th

Reserve update, Monday Sept 24th

Things happening today, with 4 Whooper Swans on the main feed pond along with a Scaup among the few Tufted Duck. (A further 15 or so Whoopers just off reserve on nearby Newmains). Barnacles slowly arriving - 36 yesterday, up to 214 today so far, mixed in

24 September 2018

Reserve Update Saturday 22nd September - Otter

Reserve Update Saturday 22nd September - Otter

Well our Whooper Swan count has doubled today with two now on Whooper Pond!  Also there this morning was a fishing otter, a second sighting in two days.  It was an interesting day on this pond yesterday with a Red Crested Pochard making a brief appearan

22 September 2018

Reserve Update Friday 21st September - Whooper!

Reserve Update Friday 21st September - Whooper!

Our first Whooper Swan has turned up on the Reserve this morning.  Back on Whooper Pond and ready for some food!  It has been an interesting week with the storms causing a degree of havoc on Wednesday.  It did however push in a Little Gull for a brief

21 September 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 15th September

Latest Sightings - Saturday 15th September

A clear morning with great views across to the Lake District. Folly Pond is busy with plenty of duck, some waders and geese. Today's high tide is at 16:49, 8.5m Around the reserve: Whooper Pond Mute Swan 2 plus 6 cygnets Mallard 75 Tufted Duck 2 Teal 4 C

15 September 2018

Latest Sightings - Friday 14th September - Saltcot Loaning open as normal

Latest Sightings - Friday 14th September - Saltcot Loaning open as normal

The Saltcot Loaning has now reopened after essential hedge management work. This should prolong the life of the Hawthorns, they will now bush out to provide better habitat for breeding birds, allow more light in & keep the track drier during wet perio

14 September 2018

Reserve Update Tuesday 11th September - Saltcot Loaning closed this week

Reserve Update Tuesday 11th September - Saltcot Loaning closed this week

The Mute Swan family have now taken up residence on Whooper Pond which is not such good news for the other Mute Swans trying to land there.  So far five interlopers have been seen off.  This will all change once we start to get the Whooper Swans returni

11 September 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 8th September

Latest Sightings - Saturday 8th September

An overcast morning, but the Avenues are alive with birds. The Swallows and House Martins are gathering on wires and on top of the swan pipe, ready for migration. A flock of Gold and Greenfinches are regularly feeding in the Wildlife Garden. A flock of L

8 September 2018