Caerlaverock news

Latest Sightings- 23rd October

Latest Sightings- 23rd October

There are lots of barnacle geese still around, with some great views from Newfield Hide. Whooper Swan numbers are still around 150 on and around the reserve, but this could increase after the northerly winds yesterday! Redwing are still flying around, par

23 October 2017

Latest Sightings - 21st October

Latest Sightings - 21st October

Another bright and (so far) dry morning on the reserve. Plenty of Barnacle Geese around, on the merse and moving into the fields. The Redwings are still piling in, and there are plenty of berries on the Hawthorns on the trees for them. Listen out for the

21 October 2017

Latest Sightings - 20th October - Marsh Harrier and Redwings

Latest Sightings - 20th October - Marsh Harrier and Redwings

A fantastic morning at the Saltcot Merse Observatory with thousands of Barnacle Geese, Peregrine, Merlin and Marsh Harrier showing well. Plenty of Redwings now in the Avenues so keep an eye on the Hawthorns! Named Whooper Swan arrivals: ZHP - Andrew K  

20 October 2017

Reserve Update Thursday 19th October

Reserve Update Thursday 19th October

Well things have settled back down again after the storm on Monday and we have been able to have a good look around.  Whooper Swan numbers have increased with approximately 150 birds both on Whooper Pond and in fields to the North of Avenue Tower yesterd

19 October 2017

Latest Sightings - 17th October

Latest Sightings - 17th October

We made it through the night with only minor damage and the reserve is open as normal today. The high tide means we have over 14,000 Barnacle Geese on the reserve. Named Whooper Swan arrivals: ZHP - Andrew K    &    YFZ - Ruth C        

17 October 2017

Latest Sightings - 14th October

Latest Sightings - 14th October

Another dull start to the day, but it is dry and the birds haven't disappointed so far. Great numbers of duck still on the Folly Pond with over 600 Teal and close to 100 Wigeon. Plenty of Barnacle Geese on the reserve and surrounding fields this morning,

14 October 2017

Reserve Update Friday 13th October

Reserve Update Friday 13th October

The hybrid Barnacle Goose was spotted this morning mixed in the flock on the Lochar Field outside the Avenue Tower.  There were also good numbers of Lapwing (307) and Golden Plover (151) taking advantage of the more sheltered conditions in Low Middle fie

13 October 2017

Reserve Update Thursday 12th October

Reserve Update Thursday 12th October

Calmer day today with a lovely autumn blue sky first thing this morning.  The Barnacle Geese are taking advantage of the good weather after their enforced day on the Merse yesterday to move out into the fields for grazing.  Avenue Tower is a good spot a

12 October 2017

Reserve Update Wednesday 11th October - Wild Weather!

Reserve Update Wednesday 11th October - Wild Weather!

  There are still over 10,000 Barnacle Geese on site today, mostly remaining down on the Merse due to the bad weather conditions.  The weather does seem to have led to an influx of Wigeon with over 200 in Corner field and more observed in the Newfie

11 October 2017

9th October Update- Barnacle Goose influx

9th October Update- Barnacle Goose influx

  Thousands of Barnacle Geese arrived yesterday, with around 9000 on our reserve. There are a couple of leucistic birds present with them. Reports from observers on the east coast suggest more could arrive today. Here is an image of a few Barnacle

9 October 2017

Latest Sightings - 7th October - More Whoopers!

Latest Sightings - 7th October - More Whoopers!

A few more Whooper Swans in this morning, but they are also feeding in fields north of the reserve. Lots of Pink-footed Geese out on the mud this morning and some of them are still sleeping off their long journey. Barnacle Goose numbers haven't changed ye

7 October 2017

Latest Sightings - 6th October - Influx overnight!

Latest Sightings - 6th October - Influx overnight!

A massive influx of birds overnight means we now have 63 Whooper Swans split between the Whooper Pond and the Folly Pond. A few families of Whoopers have already made the trip down from Iceland. There are also hundreds of Pink-footed Geese resting on the

6 October 2017

Reserve Update Wednesday 4th October

Reserve Update Wednesday 4th October

Whooper Swan numbers are starting to creep up a little, with four birds joining us for the 2pm feed yesterday.  This morning there are fifteen Whoopers around the reserve with best views from the Avenue Tower first thing.  Hopefully they may join us for

4 October 2017

Reserve update, Monday October 2nd

Reserve update, Monday October 2nd

Little real change from last update - Teal nos on the up, as are Wigeon to a smaller extent. We still await more Barnacles, the few that have arrived came over a fortnight ago, but conditions at the breeding grounds have remained mild with largely light s

2 October 2017

Latest Sightings - 30th September

Latest Sightings - 30th September

The Barnacle Geese are feeding in the Lochar Field again this morning, with great views of them from the Avenue Tower. A single juvenile Ruff is on the Folly Pond, alongside good numbers of Teal and a single Little Egret. Today's high tide is at 08:42, 6

30 September 2017