Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Latest sightings

Recent Sightings 19th - 25th November

Recent Sightings 19th - 25th November

Highlights: Marsh Harrier, Merlin, Wigeon, Tree creeper, Bullfinch, Yellow Brain Fungi, Otter

25 November 2022

Recent Sightings 12th - 18th November

Recent Sightings 12th - 18th November

Highlights: Great Skua, Hen harrier, Woodcock, Otter

18 November 2022

Recent Sightings 5th - 11th November

Recent Sightings 5th - 11th November

Highlights: Pochard, Jack Snipe, Orange Peel Fungi, Purple Jelly Disc Fungi, Kestrel

11 November 2022

Recent Sightings 29th October - 4th November

Recent Sightings 29th October - 4th November

Highlights: Otter, Kestrel, Goldcrest, Red Admiral, Jelly Ear Fungus

4 November 2022

Recent Sightings 22nd-28th October

Recent Sightings 22nd-28th October

Highlights: Redwing, Curlew, Wigeon, Sparrowhawk, Crystal Brain Jelly Fungus

28 October 2022

Recent Sightings 15th - 21st October

Recent Sightings 15th - 21st October

Highlights: Earthball Fungi, Sparrowhawk, Snipe, Goldfinch, Common Lizard

21 October 2022

Recent Sightings 8th - 14th October

Recent Sightings 8th - 14th October

Highlights: Snipe, Cattle Egret, Barn Owl, Curlew Sandpiper, Grey Plover, Great White Egret

14 October 2022

Recent Sightings 1st - 7th October

Recent Sightings 1st - 7th October

Highlights: Green Elf Cup, Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Peregrine

7 October 2022

Recent Sightings 24th - 30th September

Recent Sightings 24th - 30th September

Highlights: Pectoral Sandpiper, Greenshank, Pintail, Peregrine, Common Lizards

30 September 2022

Recent Sightings 17th - 23rd September

Recent Sightings 17th - 23rd September

Highlights: Weasel, Spoonbill, Pintail, Grass snake

23 September 2022

Recent Sightings 10th -16th September

Recent Sightings 10th -16th September

Highlights: Spoonbill, Curlew Sandpiper, Osprey, Glossy Ibis, Clouded Yellow

16 September 2022

Recent Sightings 4th - 9th September

Recent Sightings 4th - 9th September

Highlights: Glossy Ibis, Great White Egret, Marsh Harrier, Wheatear, Barnacle Goose

6 September 2022

Recent Sightings 28th August - 3rd September

Recent Sightings 28th August - 3rd September

Highlights - Osprey, Spotted Crake, Ruff, Garganey, and Bar-tailed Godwit.

3 September 2022

Recent Sightings 21st-27th August

Recent Sightings 21st-27th August

Highlights - Wigeon, Snipe, Water Rail and White Wagtail

27 August 2022

Recent Sightings 14th-20th August

Recent Sightings 14th-20th August

Highlights - Marsh Harrier, Yellow Wagtail, Grey Plover, Ruff and Cuckoo

20 August 2022