Latest sightings

Kingfisher perched up in the reedbeds

Kingfisher perched up in the reedbeds

Greenshank heard on the main lake

20 September 2019

Fantastic Hobby views over our main lake

Fantastic Hobby views over our main lake

Yellow Wagtails and Chats down on the marsh

20 September 2019

Meadow Pipit passage

Meadow Pipit passage

A steady passage of Meadow Pipit over the site this morning.

18 September 2019

Stonechat in good view from wildside hide

Stonechat in good view from wildside hide

Good views of Stonechat Wheatear and Common Sandpiper from wildside hide

17 September 2019

Hobby perched up by the sheltered lagoon

Hobby perched up by the sheltered lagoon

Hobby showing well perched up around the sheltered lagoon in between hunting flights.

16 September 2019

Stonechat and Wheatear on the grazing marsh

Stonechat and Wheatear on the grazing marsh

2 Wheatear and 3 Stonechat on the grazing marsh fenceline this morning.

15 September 2019

Hobby on the hunt

Hobby on the hunt

September is a good time to see Hobby before they head South on migration.

14 September 2019

Kingfisher taking in the morning sun

Kingfisher taking in the morning sun

Wheatear on the marsh searching for a bite to eat

13 September 2019

Bearded Tit in the main reedbed

Bearded Tit in the main reedbed

Good movement of hirundines as well as some of the first returning Yellow Wagtails and Meadow Pipits heading over South and South East this morning.

12 September 2019

Duck numbers increasing

Duck numbers increasing

Good numbers of Gadwall, Shoveler and Teal on site this morning along with a small additional arrival of Wigeon.

11 September 2019

Large warbler arrival and hirundine movement

Large warbler arrival and hirundine movement

Very good numbers of warblers on site this morning, particularly Blackcap and Chiffchaff.

10 September 2019

Hobby hunting Martins over the grazing marsh

Hobby hunting Martins over the grazing marsh

2 Common Sandpipers also on the main lake and reservoir lagoon.

9 September 2019

House Martins aplenty over the main lake and South route

House Martins aplenty over the main lake and South route

3 Swift joined 50+ House Martin over the main lake and 2 Wheatear are present on the grazing marsh.

8 September 2019

Wheatear on the marsh

Wheatear on the marsh

Yellow Wagtails and House Martins over head

7 September 2019

Wryneck spotted in the afternoon

Wryneck spotted in the afternoon

Garganey and Ringed Plover showing well in front of WWF hide, while Pied Flycatcher remains in Wildside by the field lab.

5 September 2019