Latest sightings

First Garden Warbler and Whitethroat of the spring

First Garden Warbler and Whitethroat of the spring

Wader scrape hide area great for Warblers this morning, while on the marsh there's Little Ringed Plover, Garganey and Wheatear

20 April 2019

Ring Ouzel & Garganey pair on show today

Ring Ouzel & Garganey pair on show today

4 Green Sandpiper & Yellow Wagtails also on our reserve today

19 April 2019

Pair of Garganey still and Wheatear on the East Bank

Pair of Garganey still and Wheatear on the East Bank

Pair of Garganey still on the marsh, Wheatear feeding along the steep East Bank this morning, with 2 Whimbrel passing through heading north.

18 April 2019

Pair of Garganey, 3 Wheatear and 2 Yellow Wagtail on the marsh

Pair of Garganey, 3 Wheatear and 2 Yellow Wagtail on the marsh

2 Garganey and 3 Wheatear continue on the grazing marsh, Green Sandpiper still on the reservoir lagoon.

17 April 2019

Yellow Wagtail on the marsh and 2 Garganey on the reservoir lagoon

Yellow Wagtail on the marsh and 2 Garganey on the reservoir lagoon

Redshanks joined by a Yellow Wagtail on our marsh. 2 Garganey on the reservoir lagoon.

16 April 2019

Oystercatcher and Green Sandpipers feeding

Oystercatcher and Green Sandpipers feeding

Oystercatcher on the 'gull ridge' main lake island Green Sandpipers on the reservoir lagoon and Redshanks on the marsh

15 April 2019

Good numbers of passage waders and warblers

Good numbers of passage waders and warblers

Signs Spring migration is in full swing on site today, highlights including Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Green Sandpiper, 3 Jack Snipe, 12 Blackcap, Yellow Wagtail and returning 2cy Iceland Gull.

14 April 2019

Little Ringed Plover and Singing Sedge Warbler on main lake

Little Ringed Plover and Singing Sedge Warbler on main lake

Sedge & Willow warbler on site

13 April 2019

Snipe Redshank & Sedge Warbler across the reserve

Snipe Redshank & Sedge Warbler across the reserve

Shelduck and Pintail seen this morning

12 April 2019

Willow Warblers singing on the reserve

Willow Warblers singing on the reserve

Between Blackcap song, bursts of Willow Warblers can be heard. Iceland Gull and Common Sandpiper on the main lake p.m.

11 April 2019

Wheatear & water Pipit on show

Wheatear & water Pipit on show

Wheatear dropped onto our main lake while a Water Pipit was over on the grazing marsh

10 April 2019

Little Egret in good view from Headley hide

Little Egret in good view from Headley hide

Green Sandpiper House Martin & Sedge Warbler all on site

9 April 2019

Green Sandpiper, Snipe, Lapwing and Redshank on the marsh

Green Sandpiper, Snipe, Lapwing and Redshank on the marsh

Good selection of waders on the muddy marsh, with Reed and Sedge Warbler singing in the reedbed

8 April 2019

Yellow Wagtail and Sedge Warbler on the marsh

Yellow Wagtail and Sedge Warbler on the marsh

Plenty of migrants this morning with Swallow, Yellow Wagtail and Sand Martin all around

7 April 2019

Water Pipit and Snipe on the scrape

Water Pipit and Snipe on the scrape

Shelduck and Pintail pairs on the main lake

6 April 2019